Page 32 of Ashes of Aether
There are now far more adepts inside the library. That must mean the fourth-years, whose lessons run until six o’clock on Thursdays, have finished for the day.
My lips pull into a smile as I weave in and out of the aisles, distributing the books as quickly as I can. Arluin will be here shortly, and at least gazing at him will make this punishment more bearable.Provided that Erma doesn’t catch me staring at him.
But it isn’t Arluin I first find.
Just as I turn a corner, I almost collide with Kaely. I nearly drop the books I’m carrying, half from surprise and half from fury.
I can’t have been here for more than an hour, and yet Kaely has managed to locate me.
Didn’t she go home with her father? Wasn’t he meant to lecture her about not making light of necromancy?
I suppose I should expect nothing less from Archmage Branvir Calton.
Kaely’s lips distort into an ugly sneer. “So, it’s true. They’ve not even suspended you.”
“Kaely,” I hiss, my fingers clawing into the leather covers of the books. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m also an adept of the Arcanium. Is it a problem if I visit the library after lessons?”
My jaw tenses. She’s not planning to continue taunting me, is she? Hasn’t she already caused enough disruption today?
“You may go wherever you please,” I grind out. “But stay out of my way.”
“Or what? You’ll strike me with a fireball again?”
While I can’t use my magic against Kaely, I can whack her over the head with the heavy tomes I’m holding.That wouldn’t break any of the city’s laws.
But it would mean Erma reporting my unruly behavior to my father. On the very first day of my sentence.
I can’t afford to lose my temper for a second time today.
“Just leave me alone, Kaely,” I snap, pushing past her. But like earlier this afternoon, she refuses to let me go so easily.
“You should have been expelled from the Arcanium for your crimes!” Kaely calls after me, daring to raise her voice to a level that will enrage Erma.
I halt and turn back to Kaely. A vicious scowl distorts her freckles.
“You were bold to strike me with your magic in broad daylight,” Kaely jeers, “and there were dozens who witnessed it.”
“Just as they witnessed the insults you hurled at me.”
Her nose wrinkles in disgust. “The reason you were spared is because you’re the Grandmage’s daughter. It seems I’m the only one who can see this injustice.”
“Even now you continue to spew hatred.” I cling to the books I carry, not trusting my hands to stray from their leather covers. I can’t allow my anger to burst free again. “Kaely, what have I done to deserve the way you treat me?”
“You’re the Grandmage’s daughter,” she blurts, her fists tightening. “You’re lazy and useless, and you’re not a good sorceress. Yet to everyone else, especially our tutors, you’re someone special. But it’s only because of your father. He’s the Grandmage, not you. Why do you deserve such reverence? You haven’t earned the right.”
I shake my head in disbelief. “So, this is the reason you hate me? Do you think it was my choice for my father to be the Grandmage of Nolderan? Do you think I can help how others treat me? If it bothers you this much, then the next time anyone praises me, I’ll tell them they should instead praise Kaely Calton because she can’t control her irrational jealousy. Actually, no. I doubt even that would suffice. How about I ask my father to disown me and take you as his daughter instead, since you can’t bear the fact that I’m the daughter of the Grandmage of Nolderan and you’re not?”
A deep shade of crimson paints Kaely’s face. Fury blazes in her magenta eyes. If she came here to goad me into losing my temper again, then she has failed greatly. If only my mind and my tongue were sharper earlier this afternoon.
“Reyna Ashbourne,” she spits, “I have never known anyone to think more highly of themselves. Your arrogance disgusts me.”
“My arrogance disgustsyou? Have you not looked in a mirror lately? I think you’ll instead find that your arrogance outshines everyone in the entire city.”
“That’s enough,” a male voice calls.