Page 98 of Ashes of Aether
Knowing I’ve wasted several precious moments, I pick up my pace as I hurry through the tunnels. Though my icy footprints tell me I’m not going in circles, I still worry whether I’m taking the wrong path through the maze.
The stone walls open to a cave. Ornate braziers sit at each corner, and a large one lies at the center. I scan over the metallic structures and then notice the door on the other side. It blends so perfectly with the walls that, if not for the faint lines marking its edges, I wouldn’t know it was there.
I stride through the cave and over to the door. Then I shove it with all my might.
To my dismay, the door doesn’t so much as creak.
I grit my teeth and try again, but it’s still no use.
Realizing brute strength won’t work, I murmurventrezand conjure a wind spell, hoping a gale will blow aside the door.
Again, it has no effect.
With a sigh, I turn to the braziers. It was foolish to expect that force alone would open the door.
What I’m meant to do with these braziers, I have no idea.
I study them for a while longer. Braziers are usually filled with fire, so does that mean lighting them will open the door?
While I doubt it’s that simple, I suppose there’s little harm in trying. And maybe even a failed attempt will lead me closer to figuring out what I need to do. There’s no point standing here and staring at the braziers while time is ticking away.
“Ignis,” I say and send flames into each of the five braziers.
My conjured flames dance in the braziers. I hold my breath, hoping I’ve somehow overcome this obstacle—unlikely though it may be.
But then the flames surge up, leaving the braziers behind. They gather into a roaring inferno. Fire rushes toward me.
“Aquis!” I shriek.
Water blasts from my palms and crashes into the flames. It sends them spilling out into the chamber. The remnants of the fireball collide with the stone walls, charring them.
If I had been a moment slower, I would be nothing but ash right now.
Shock strangles me. I double over and gasp for breath until I recompose myself.
I turn to the braziers again and study them more carefully. Clearly lighting them isn’t the solution.
I sigh and lean back against the charred wall behind me. Since this first attempt nearly killed me, I’m hesitant to try again. The next attempt could mean death.
But I also can’t waste any more time.
I need to think of something clever. And fast.
I scan over the room, wondering what else I can try. I hope to find a hidden clue somewhere—maybe a riddle—but I find none. Only plain stone walls surround me. The room is empty aside from the five braziers.
Though my last attempt failed miserably, I remain convinced I must somehow light them to unlock the door. But if not fire, what else?
My eyes narrow at the center brazier. It’s larger than the rest, indicating its superiority. There must be a reason.
Think, Reyna. Think.
I chew on my lip, desperation clouding my mind, and squeeze my eyes shut. I can hear ticking in my ears. But thinking about the time will only distract me and waste more minutes. I need clear thoughts. Not panicked ones.
My gaze trails across to the door. If only I could blast it open. Though the wind spell failed miserably, what about aether? After all, it’s far more powerful than the four elements—
That’s it!
The largest brazier must represent aether, while the four smaller ones represent the elements. Maybe that means I must light the center brazier with aether.