Page 12 of Bred By the Athlete
Chapter Three
Two Months Later
Kristie stared at the notes she had been given by the doctor. It confirmed it. She was pregnant. And, according to the ultrasound, she was at least six weeks along.
It had happened. She really was pregnant with Tyler’s baby. Now all she had to do was tell him.
Kristie knew she was being selfish - they had been having sex so she could get pregnant, after all, and Tyler wanted to be a dad - but she found herself wanting to hold this back. Just so she could be with him one more time.
No, this was what she had told herself that she wouldn’t do. She wasn’t going to hold anything over Tyler’s head for her selfish needs. He trusted her to be honest and open with him. Kristie had to keep to that.
Even if she wanted to have him inside her one more time. And maybe another one after that. Now they had been intimate, and Tyler was very attentive and thorough when he fucked her, Kristie couldn’t get enough. It was like they could barely keep their hands off each other. How they managed to keep away from each other while they were at work, she had no idea, because once they were at Tyler’s house or her flat, the clothes came off and they were rutting away like animals.
Of course, there was some talking in between while they were getting their breath back. Tyler listened to her when Kristie thought he would scoff at her daft hobbies and tastes, while she had a feeling he was opening up more to her. She found out things about him that she wouldn’t have known before if he hadn’t said anything. She understood him more as a person than she thought possible.
Now that was going to come to an end. Tyler said he would fuck her until she got confirmation that she was pregnant, and then they would stop. It was all about having a baby, nothing about intimacy. He had been very upfront about it.
Kristie didn’t know if she would be able to cope. She had told herself to keep her heart out of it, and to see it as a bit of short-term fun. Now she could tell that she hadn’t been able to do that at all. She had lost herself to a man she couldn’t have.
She had to tell him. Tyler was coming in for treatment on his shoulder. Kristie had to tell him before they did anything. Although she didn’t think she would be able to focus on her work if Tyler shut down on her.
The door opened, and Kristie jumped, almost dropping the paperwork. Tyler paused as Kristie scrabbled to get everything together.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You sure. You’re looking rather pale.”
“No, it’s nothing.” Kristie rubbed her sweaty palms on her trousers and stood up suddenly, only for the world to tilt, and she staggered to get back to her chair. “Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.”
Tyler shut the door and hurried over, kneeling before her as he cupped her head in his hands. A simple touch from him and Kristie felt like she was going to burst into tears.
“You’ve not been feeling right for the last couple of days. I didn’t think you were coming in today. Maybe you should be going back home.”
“I have work to do…”
“Shauna’s here. I don’t need to have you specifically working on me.” He gave her a smile and a wink. “Well, it’s a bonus, but it’s not a requirement.”
Kristie groaned.
“Don’t, Tyler. That’s not helping.”
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to see you smile.”
She had to tell him now. There was no getting around it. Kristie swallowed and looked away, wishing Tyler would let go of her head.
“I’m pregnant, Tyler.”
“You are?”
“I went to the doctor as I was still feeling sick. I thought it was a sickness bug. But he confirmed it was a baby.” Kristie finally managed to look at him. “Six weeks.”
For a moment, Tyler didn’t say anything. It was like he had just frozen. Then he was hugging her tightly, almost knocking the wind out of Kristie. She was just stunned at his reaction.
“Thank God,” Tyler breathed. “Thank God.”
Kristie didn’t respond. She just felt despondent, her emotions falling flat. This should be something to celebrate, and she just couldn’t.