Page 17 of Bred By the Athlete
Steve looked like Kristie had just slapped him in return. He stuttered.
“But…but, but…what the fuck were you thinking? Why would you agree to that?”
“Tyler said he trusted me, and I wanted to help.”
“So you allowed him to fuck you, then?” Steve snarled. “And after all that, you’re going to just give the baby up?”
“We could co-parent. But this was for Tyler, not for me.”
Steve swung away and paced across the room.
“I can’t believe this. How could Tyler do this?”
“Excuse me?”
“He was using you for his own selfish means. Did he not care about anyone else? Why did it have to be you? Why did you not say no?”
Kristie faltered.
“I couldn’t.”
“Why not? You’re a smart girl. Why the fuck would you agree to such a hair-brained plan?”
Kristie could feel the tears prickling at her eyes. She wanted to get out of there, otherwise she was going to break down. She held out her hand.
“Give me back my phone.”
“Give me my phone, Steve. And then get out.”
Steve stared.
“You’re telling me to get out?”
“I am. This is my workspace, and I’m busy. I want you out.”
“I’m your brother.”
“And you forget that I’m not a little girl who needs to be handled with kid gloves,” Kristie snapped. She could feel things stretching really thin. “I made a decision, and I didn’t need your input. Tyler and I are grown ups, and we can handle things on our own. We don’t have to tell anyone what we’re doing, and we don’t need approval on our choices.”
Steve snorted.
“Like hell you don’t! You’re my sister.”
“And I’m not a child! Stop treating me like I don’t have any say in anything!” Kristie could feel her chest tightening, her voice getting louder. “If I want to carry someone’s baby for them, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
“But Tyler, of all people?”
“At least I know he’s a good guy. He’ll definitely look after me.”
“Are you serious?”
Steve looked disbelieving. Kristie wanted to scream at him, hit him for thinking like that. But she kept her hands to herself, clenching at her sides.
“I’m an adult, Steve. I like Tyler, and he asked me for help. I said yes, and that’s it. I didn’t say anything because it was none of your business, and I knew you and our parents would disapprove. I didn’t want the stress.”
“You’re calling me stressful?”