Page 5 of Bred By the Athlete
Even so, he couldn’t help but wonder…
“What are you fantasising about this time?”
Tyler jumped. He looked around and glared at Kevin Radcliffe.
“Would you stop sneaking up on me, Kevin?”
“I thought you heard me. I said your name several times.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Kevin snorted.
“Yes, I did. You were off in your own world again.” He shook his head as he picked up a set of dumbbells. “Honestly, Tyler, you’re going deaf in your old age.”
“Fuck you, Kevin.”
“Sorry, you’re not my type.”
Tyler rolled his eyes. The most recent addition of the team after Tyler, Kevin was a bit of a pain. But he was one of the best batsmen in the squad, and certainly a damn good fielder. His ability on the pitch made up for being a bit of a dick off the field. For the most part.
“By the way,” Kevin said as he began to do some bicep curls, “what do you think Steve will say if I mention that I think his sister’s hot?”
Tyler almost dropped his dumbbell onto his foot. He adjusted his grasp and stared at Kevin.
“Come on, surely you’ve noticed as well. You go to her for treatment all the time.”
“I…I haven’t noticed.”
Tyler hoped Kevin didn’t spot the lie. Of course he had noticed how gorgeous Kristie was. You would have to be dead not to notice.
“Well, I have. She’s gorgeous.” Kevin smirked. “Maybe I should ask her out. I think we would have a pretty good time together.”
Tyler stiffened.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Why not?”
“Steve will be furious if you tried anything with his sister.”
Kevin rolled his eyes.
“She’s a grown woman, last time I checked. Steve doesn’t need to hover over her forever.”
“Besides, the director doesn’t like inter-work relationships. We’re not meant to date the staff.”
“That’s a stupid rule.”
“It makes sense. You don’t want things to get messy.”
Kevin huffed.
“Nobody’s going to spoil my fun. I’m going to ask her out. I’m sure she’ll say yes.”
“I doubt it. She’s not going to be interested in you.”