Page 7 of Bred By the Athlete
Chapter Two
Not for the first time, Kristie wondered what the hell she was doing. Something so blunt as this without anything beyond carrying a baby should have been something she kept well away from. There was so much that had to be taken into consideration, and Kristie knew her body would forever change after having a child.
But Tyler had asked her. He had wanted her specifically to do this. That meant something to Kristie. Not how she wanted him to say he wanted her, but it was enough. Kristie was willing to work with that.
She was not naive; this was not the way into Tyler’s heart and make him fall in love with her. She had to keep that fantasy away. But Kristie knew how much it meant to Tyler for her to do this for him, and she didn’t want to let him down.
Admit it. The thought of carrying Tyler’s child is driving this decision. You can dress it how you want, but you wouldn’t do it unless it was Tyler as the father.
Her head was in a complete mess. Kristie kept bouncing back and forth all day. Tyler had been blunt with what he wanted, but sheepish in why he picked her. Kristie understood wanting to be a parent. She just didn’t expect this.
She had to stop thinking. Her mind went one day and then the other, and all of her thoughts were becoming a jumbled mess. She didn’t think she could trust herself to think in a straight line right now.
The only thing Kristie knew was that she wanted to do this for Tyler. She wanted to help, even if it meant she had to put her feelings aside. Falling in love with him when Tyler had no intention of having a relationship was going to just leave her with a broken heart.
Kristie kept counting down the hours until she could leave work, and then she hurried home, jumping straight into the shower. Even with the air-conditioned room she worked in, she was sweating profusely. The heat wave was really affecting her, or was it the thought of being close to Tyler? Whatever it was, Kristie was certainly not going over covered in sweat.
But even as she showered and dressed in fresh clothes, Kristie kept telling herself that she shouldn’t see it like a date. She had to stop seeing this as something romantic. Tyler’s offer had ended up being far from that, and Kristie had to focus on the offer and not everything floating around.
Easier said than done, she realised, as she picked out a green strappy dress that matched her eyes and brushed out her hair. She even had nice underwear that matched for once underneath. Kristie took one look in the mirror and realised that she was behaving like she was dressed for a first date. She really should change, but Kristie just picked up her bag and keys and left the house, her heart racing.
It was still racing as she pulled up outside Tyler’s house. He lived right on the outskirts of London in Borehamwood. Kristie had been there before, and she had marvelled at how big the houses were. Tyler lived alone, so his house must have felt rather empty. Kristie lived in a modest flat that was nice, albeit small, but it was just for her and it had what she needed. She couldn’t imagine living in a house on her own.
And the house…damn, Tyler’s was huge. Kristie wondered if Tyler had given her the right address. She pulled into the driveway and stared. This was enormous. She would not be surprised if there was a swimming pool out the back.
Her hands suddenly shaking, Kristie got out and smoothed down her dress. She was going to do this. She wasn’t going to be a fool and fumble over everything. Coming to Tyler’s house to hear the terms meant she had pretty much made up her mind. She had texted Tyler to say yes earlier in the day. He knew she was coming here for the deal, and this was about business.
But how could you be businesslike about carrying a baby for someone you had a crush on?
Swallowing, Kristie went up to the door and rang the bell. For a moment, it was like nobody was coming to the door, and she began to panic. Had Tyler actually come home? She left the ground earlier than he did. He should be back by now.
Then the door opened, and Kristie’s heart nearly stopped when Tyler filled the doorway. It didn’t matter if he was in his cricket whites, his T20 uniform or normal clothes, he was just magnificent. The black shirt he had on now, open at the neck, seemed to almost mould to his body, and his jeans looked freshly washed and showed off his strong legs. He had just showered, his dark hair still looking wet and he had also shaved so his jaw was clear of any scruff. Kristie wanted that scruff back; he was more devastating to her when he was clean-shaven.
“Well?” Tyler looked slightly bemused, looking her up and down. “Are you going to come in, or are you just going to stare at me?”
“What? Oh.” Kristie couldn’t believe she had been caught gawking at him. Swallowing, she started towards him. “Sorry.”
Tyler moved slightly to let her in, and Kristie almost closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as she took a whiff of the cologne that Tyler always wore. It was subtle, but it was enough to make Kristie want to swoon.
Damn, she really needed to focus now. She couldn’t let herself get this distracted.
Shutting the door, Tyler turned to her, again looking her over. There was appreciation in his eyes.
“You look good, Kristie. I don’t think I’ve seen you like this before.”
“I…thanks.” Kristie flexed her fingers on her bag, which she had clutched to her chest. “Where…where do you want me?”
“Excuse me?”
“Which room?” Shit, why did she say that? Kristie groaned. “I mean, are we discussing this in the hall?”
Tyler’s mouth twitched. Was he amused by her attitude? Kristie wouldn’t be surprised.
“We can go into the living room. Come with me.”
Beckoning her to follow him, they went into the living room. It looked almost twice the size of Kristie’s own room. She was sure she could fit her flat four times over into his house. That was really far too much for one person.
Kristie tried not to stare as she looked around. She wasn’t quite sure what she had been expecting with Tyler and his decor. He was one of those people who didn’t seem to care about that at all. But it was subtle, the cream and browns matching nicely together, and everything matched. Tyler had a really good eye.