Page 3 of Room Twenty-Nine
Panic was really beginning to set in. She needed to get out of there. Chantelle brought her knee up as hard as she could, catching Wade right between the legs. Wade let out a howl and let her go, dropping to his knees as he clutched at himself. Chantelle backed away from him before turning and half-running, half-stumbling to the car. Managing to shut the trunk and the passenger door, she practically dived into the driver’s seat, slamming the door shut and locking all the doors. God, why couldn’t her hands stop shaking as she put the car into the ignition?
Her engine was flaring to life when there was a bang on the side of the car. Chantelle screamed and looked up to see Wade banging his hands on the car, his face almost pressed up against the glass. She hated seeing his fury up this close. It left her cold, and almost frozen.
She forced herself to take the car out of park and put her foot on the gas pedal. The car shot forward, and she could hear the tyres squealing. She was vaguely aware of Wade shouting after her, but Chantelle focused on the road, her car swerving as she headed down the street. Hands gripping tightly onto the wheel, she resisted the urge to look back.
She needed to get as far as she could before she was able to breathe properly again.
A Month Later
Brooklyn, New York
“So, she didn’t turn up?”
Matt scowled at the bartender as drinks were placed in front of him and his friends.
“I think you can figure it out.”
Theo laughed. Darren groaned and picked up his glass.
“You’re really not making us feel any better by laughing at us, Theo.”
“What do you want me to do? Commiserate and say there will be plenty more women for you?”
“That would be preferable to what you’re doing right now.”
Theo chuckled and spread his hands.
“Come on, you have to admit it’s a little funny. Didn’t Matt say that nobody turned a chance to be with you guys when you first came in? Well, somebody’s done it.”
Matt wished he hadn’t said that. Now he felt a bigger fool. He sipped his soda.
“Just fuck off, Theo. Let us wallow in peace.”
“Fine. Be miserable buggers.”
Theo walked away towards another customer, a very pretty dark-haired woman who had three very distinguished-looking men standing close to her. Matt had seen her before, surrounded by the same three guys. Bodyguards, he seemed to recall. She wouldn’t go anywhere without them, although from the way they were looking at her and how she was leaning into them with satisfied content, doing their job seemed to be the farthest thing from their minds.
He sighed and concentrated on his drink. Why did he say he would be the designated driver? He really wanted a beer.
“Well, that was a real disaster.” Cedric grumbled, taking a gulp of his drink, setting the glass down with a thump. “So much for thinking we were going to have a great night.”
“I can’t help it if Kayla decided she wasn’t going to turn up.” Matt protested. “When we discussed it with her, she was very eager. Whatever happened between then and now isn’t my fault.”
Darren grunted.
“Right. You didn’t figure out that she was going to get cold feet.” He sipped his drink. “I don’t mind a woman saying she has second thoughts, but she should have the decency to actually tell us and not ghost us. That’s what I find distasteful.”
Matt couldn’t agree more. He regretted approaching his fellow intern and asking if she was willing to play with him and his friends. Kayla had been flirting outrageously with him since they had started working together. If she wanted him, and she got the chance to have two other guys to make love to her, then it should have been easy. And Kayla had said yes in the beginning.
Room Twenty-Nine had been booked for their pleasure. Matt had been promised that everything would be sorted for them once they signed the paperwork. The girl who had organized it for him had been very sure about that.
If she was regretting it and pulling out, she should have said something. Instead, she had left them waiting for an hour before they realized she wasn’t going to arrive and had turned her phone off.
Matt hated the embarrassment. Club Sin was a place where everything could be explored. He had heard rumors about the place and what went on, and he wanted to find out for himself. Darren and Cedric had been up for it when he suggested they took a woman to the club. None of them had shared a woman before, but that didn’t seem to bother any of them. The thought of actually sharing a woman was very erotic to Matt.
Their first time in Club Sin, and it was already a disaster. He hoped none of the other visitors had realized what had happened; Matt didn’t want any pity.