Page 1 of Focusing on Marigold
Chapter One
Marigold fumbled withher drink and looked nervously around the room. The party was bigger than she expected. And the noise coming from the other guests was beginning to hurt her head.
Her idea of a Christmas party would be chilling in someone’s home with a few drinks and intimate conversation. That was perfect for Marigold. She didn’t understand big functions and why everything had to be done to bow down to the sponsors and those who owned the Vancouver Vikings. They weren’t royalty.
Then again, one of them certainly believed he was royalty with the way he acted. Marigold had been unfortunate to see it herself when she dated him. And it hadn’t turned out well.
She was glad they weren’t together anymore. Having to deal with the egotistical Trey Lofthouse and know that he thought he was God’s gift to women was stressful. Dealing with him messing around with other women was not something Marigold wanted in her life.
And he was meant to be here tonight. As one of the biggest sponsors and contributed the most money to the Vikings, Trey was going to be almost the main guest of honor. Marigold was sure he was going to waltz in and expect everyone to bow down to him. He had been like that since the beginning, and Marigold hadn’t seen it.
Good looks get in the way of bad personalities.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Marigold turned, her pulse missing a beat when she saw Darren standing behind her. He was wearing a tuxedo, the jacket fitting over his broad shoulders and the pants showing off his trim waist. She had to stop herself from staring. How was it even the manager of the Vikings looked like he lived in the gym?
I wonder what he would look like without his clothes on. I’ve never been given an opportunity to find out.
“Marigold?” Darren arched an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“What? Oh.” Marigold felt her face getting warm. She hadn’t realized that she had been openly staring. “Sorry. I guess I’m just tired.”
“You can just head home. Nobody’s going to notice.” Darren frowned. “And I know Trey’s going to turn up later. Maybe it’s best if you two don’t interact.”
“Trust me, I’m not going to interact with him if I can help it.”
And Marigold wasn’t going to leave so Trey could have the floor. She had been here first, so she was staying. Trey would just have to lump it while he paraded around the current girl he was fucking in the hopes that Marigold would be jealous. Marigold didn’t understand it, and she wasn’t about to figure it out. She had dumped him for cheating, and that was it.
Then again, Trey was never told to get lost. He always ended things. Maybe he was trying to get her back so he could dump her and have it back on his terms.
Why did she agree to go on a date with him? Marigold sorely regretted it.
“Well, you let us know, and I’m sure we’ll be able to keep him away.”
Darren gestured across the room.
“Jake and Nathan. They’d be more than happy to help you out.”
Marigold looked around, and her eyes landed on the Vikings defense coach and his partner. They were looking just as handsome as Darren in their suits, Jake towering over Nathan. Nathan had even shaved so he looked less unkempt. Marigold hadn’t minded; she liked a bit of scruff. And it looked good on Nathan.
Jake saw her looking, and gave her a smile, raising his glass at her. Marigold swallowed and turned back to Darren.
“I’m sure I’m going to be okay. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Are you sure?”
“Darren, you look out for me too much. I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”
Darren didn’t immediately respond. He simply let his gaze drift over her. Now Marigold was beginning to wonder if they had turned the temperature up. The way he looked at her had her skin prickling, her nipples tightening under her dress. Damn, why hadn’t she worn a bra tonight? He must be able to see everything.
Then again, the moment she started working for the Vikings and Darren had walked into the room, Marigold had felt like he could see pretty much everything. He was always a professional at work, and he never made any suggestions that would have been inappropriate. But he didn’t need to; the way he looked at her left Marigold with little doubt of what he was thinking. It was like he could undress her with his eyes.
She should have asked to work elsewhere and not directly with him. And yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t like the idea of being away from Darren, even if they did nothing except look at each other.
You know if Darren asked you on a date, you’d be saying yes. Admit it.