Page 39 of Fated Magic (Academy of the Elites 3)
As we continued downthe hall, I searched for familiar faces. I wasn’t sure what I’d do when I saw my friends, but I needed to see that they were here. That they were safe. Well, as safe as someone can be while frozen in time.
With each face that wasn’t Ben, Luka, Matt, Zach, Makayla, or one of the other shifters I hung out with, I grew increasingly nervous.
“Looking for someone?” Officer M asked.
“Yes,” I admitted, seeing no reason to hide it. “I want to make sure my friends are safe.”
He seemed surprised by my response. “I thought you’d be trying to find Mr. Obscura. If he’s not here, if he’s not frozen, that will look bad for him.”
“We’re still on that?” I asked. “I thought we agreed that he wouldn’t be capable of this.”
“Youagreed that he wasn’t capable of this. But if you didn’t do it, someone did. And while I was convinced that you were the true perpetrator at the Yule ball, I now have my doubts,” he said.
I shook my head. I never got anywhere with Officer M. It was like speaking to a child. It also made finding Matt a priority before the magic wore off and everyone went back to normal.
We walked down the class hallway and I glanced inside classroom doors, most of them propped open already by students who were entering or exiting.
As we passed the astronomy classroom, I let out a relieved breath. Both Ben and Makayla were frozen on their way out of the classroom.
I stopped for a moment and pressed my palm to Ben’s cheek. He was warm but I couldn’t see any signs of breathing. He was here, though. And he had to be okay. He just had to be.
I set my hand on Makayla’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.Hang in there. I’m going to get you two out of this.
“What did you find?” Officer M asked.
“Just some of my friends.” I caught up to him, giving a quick backward glance at Ben and Makayla. “How are we going to fix this?”
He laughed. “You’re asking me? Between the two of us, only one of us has any experience with time magic.”
I frowned. “Well, even if I knew how to fix it, I wouldn’t be allowed to.”
He didn’t respond.
The whole thing was absurd. Why the hell was this kind of magic illegal in the first place? I mean, I guess I could see how it was dangerous. Anyone could freeze time then walk in here and do whatever they wanted.
Okay. It was hella dangerous.
All these people were sitting ducks. A bad guy could do whatever they wanted, take whatever they wanted.
Until that moment, I hadn’t felt the true weight of the power I could wield. It was an overwhelming, chest crushing sensation.
Feeling slightly dizzy, I focused on moving down the hallway, looking at the faces of my classmates.
They were all so vulnerable like this. So fragile. No wonder they were terrified of this kind of magic.
Though, it was also quite beautiful in its own way. It was so quiet. So peaceful. Imagine if someone used magic like this to stop a riot or freeze the fire in a burning building.
There was so much potential for good.
But I supposed like everything, it was abused by too many. The bad apples ruined it for the rest of us.
“Maybe you were right,” Officer M said.