Page 15 of Brimstone Academy: Semester One
The man looking downat me is a god. Seriously, he has no business being this hot. His messy brown hair looks like it’s months past due for a haircut but somehow, that makes him even hotter. Dazzling green eyes with thick dark lashes lock onto mine. My heart pounds hard against my ribs and I swear I’m getting warmer just looking at him.
Dark stubble dots his square jaw and I imagine what it would be like to brush my palm against his cheek. I want to pull his face next to mine. I want to feel the pressure of his kiss. He smirks at me and I can’t tear my eyes away from his full lips.
He steps back a few paces and picks up my key, then holds it out in front of him.
What the fuck is wrong with me?His movement has thankfully broken the initial shock of seeing such a hot guy in real life. I mean, it’s like he’s been airbrushed. Nobody can possibly be this sexy.
“You want this?” he asks, waving the key in front of me.
I’m annoyed now and ready to get into my room. “Yes.” I push myself to standing.
“Uh-uh,” he says. “Back on your knees.”
“Excuse me?” I say, putting my hands on my hips.
He shrugs. “You heard me. You want this key, you come and get it. On your knees.”
“I don’t think so,” I say as I walk toward him and grab for the key.
Suddenly, I’m thrown back until I land on my ass in the hallway. Sexy asshole is laughing at me from the back of his room. Key still extended out in front of him.
I scramble to my feet and run toward him, once again reaching for the key. Like before, I’m thrown out of the room as if a giant gust of wind pushed me away. This time I manage to stay on my feet, but I’m still in the hallway. Which means I’m no closer to getting my key back.
“Give me my key, asshole,” I say.
“Gladly,” he says. “Once you crawl to me for it.”
“Fuck you, I’m not crawling,” I say.
He tugs on his waistband and drops they key down.
My eyes widen. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“If you won’t crawl, I have to make you work for it another way.” He’s smirking again and it makes me feel weak in the knees.
I should not be attracted to a man like this. I should be running away from him. Far away. But there’s a part of me that wants to play his game and that scares the shit out of me.
“Fine. I crawl and you hand over the key,” I say. “You don’t want me putting my hand down there. I have claws.”
“Maybe I’m into that,” he says. “You going to get on your knees, tiger?”
I roll my eyes at him. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”
“Of course I know that,” he replies.
I drop to my knees and crawl forward, my teeth clenched. I hate every minute of this but I’m grateful there’s nobody else around.
“Good kitty,” he says as I approach.
“The nicknames have to go,” I say. “They weren’t part of the deal.”
“Well what else should I call you? You never gave your name,” he says.
I stop in front of him and glare up at him. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life. “It’s Harper.”