Page 84 of Reckless Hands
“Okay. I know what size your cock is, and it’s big.”
“How the fuck do you know what size my cock is?”
“I’ve seen you piss.” Of course, he has. “The point is… your big-ass cock must be hitting all those right spots.”
“Oh, porca puttana.”
“Yeah, for fuck’s sake is right.” The doors open and Lucas shuts up as he looks in that direction, then he hands me his drink and walks over to whoever is it that’s entered. I watch as he speaks to them before Keir is waved over. I should join them, but I’m here to watch my wife dance, which is exactly what she’s doing.
Shaking her perfect little fucking ass.
She catches me looking and smiles before she walks over to me, wraps her arms around my shoulders, and leans in to kiss me. Kissing her is one of my favorite things, but her pussy is by far my absolute favorite thing.
When she pulls back, she smiles before spinning on her heel and strutting back to Chanel.
“Joey.” I turn to see Keir behind me. He nods to the back room where Lucas has gone and wants me to follow him. I don’t want to go with him because I am perfectly happy where I am, watching Adora smile and laugh and shake her ass. I like seeing her happy. But like a good little soldier, I get up and follow Keir into the back room where there is a one-way mirror in the middle of one wall.
“Joey,” Lucas says. I turn around but stay near the mirror. “You need to hear this.”
“Make it fast.”
“Joey, you are not to do anything stupid, do you understand?” Keir warns, which means this has something to do with Adora.
I eye him suspiciously.
“Would you listen if I said that about Sailor?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer me. “I figured as much.”
“It’s a command, Joey. Stay calm.”
“I am calm. But you’re all making me real fucking antsy.” I turn back to the mirror to watch her dancing. Merci has joined them on the dance floor, and Sailor is drinking shots at the bar. It’s going to be a fun night for Keir when he gets back out there.
Facing Keir again, I nod to Sailor. “Your wife has had three shots since I’ve been standing here.”
“Fucking hell.” He looks at Lucas. “I’ll be back. Stay fucking put and wait for me.”
Lucas nods as he walks out.
I nod my head to the man sitting next to Lucas and follow with, “Who’s that?”
“My informant.” Lucas smiles. The man sits there holding a bottle of water and looking everywhere but at me.
“What does he know?”
“Keir isn’t back yet.” I look out to see Keir pick Sailor up and throw her over his shoulder before he walks back in here, shuts the door behind him, and places her in a chair. He goes to Lucas’ bar refrigerator and grabs a bottle of water, then hands it to her. “Drink this.”
“Drink your cock,” she barks back, then giggles. “Or I can.”
He groans, and Lucas laughs.
We wait a few minutes while Sailor drinks her water and crosses her arms and looks around. “What’s the meeting for?” Her eyes pin to the man in here with us. “And why wasn’t I invited if he’s in here?” She points to him as Keir walks behind her and places his hands on her shoulder, then nods to Lucas.
I glance around to see all eyes on me.
“I’m about to kill your wife,” Lucas says simply, and I act on impulse alone, pulling my gun and aiming it at him.
“Joey,” Keir warns.