Page 69 of Bound By Fear
She didn’t move or answer for a long moment, and Garrison had to wonder if she’d fallen asleep.That’s a pretty good way to get out of answering his question, isn’t it?
Except she did answer eventually, her voice quiet. “I don’t know. I was thinking about that when we were at Kat’s.”
Her breath was soft and warm against his chest. “I’ve liked being here, with you guys, but I don’t know if I can do that for real.”
“Why not?”
“Because it isn’t who I planned on being. After I left Tanner, when I got my life back on track, I swore I’d never be helpless again, that I’d never let a man control me again. Even though I really have enjoyed being here, being with you, I don’t know if I could turn my back on who I set out to be.”
Garrison didn’t care for her answer. He wanted to argue with her, to explain to her that that was just her past talking, her fears. He wanted to ask her if she would really give up what she wanted because of what someone else had done to her.
He didn’t say any of that, though. The reality was that people had to come to their own conclusions. They had to make their own decisions, even when he knew they were the wrong ones.
So instead, he ran his fingers through her hair and hoped he could pick himself back up when she left and tore him apart.
Because she seemed determined to do just that.
* * * *
Connor leaned against the counter as he sipped his cup of tea. He’d managed to get someone else to cover his shifts for the day, since he’d worked nearly all the last two and hadn’t gotten much time alone with Sunny.
She seemed to be settling in well.
Too well, probably.
This would all come to an end soon, and when it did?
Connor wasn’t sure how he was going to let her go, how he was going to go back to the life he’d had before she’d walked into it.
It felt like spending a few weeks filthy stinkin’ rich, then having to go back to poverty, like experiencing something he wanted but knowing he couldn’t keep it.
Maybe she’ll stay…
Maybe. He couldn’t quite trust that, though.
Trent and Garrison had headed to work, leaving Connor alone to keep an eye on Sunny. It also left him with the chance to tell her what they’d learned from their friend, Mitch, who was looking into Tanner.
The water turned off in the hall bathroom, and he groaned as he thought about how the water from her shower would follow the curves of her body, going over her navel, her hip bones.
Lucky droplets…
The door didn’t open for another ten minutes or so, and the way her hair was braided back told him why. He’d imagine that would take quite a bit of work, between drying it and forcing the waves into compliance.
She seemed to keep it tied back often, which disappointed him. He rather liked running his fingers through the soft strands.
She had a robe wrapped around her, a fluffy, white one they’d probably stolen from a hotel at some point, and it reminded him of the fox costume she’d worn that first night.
Innocent and sweet and tempting.
She locked eyes with him, then froze.
Connor tried to offer a reassuring smile, then gestured toward the living room.
Because she had to wash her leggings each evening, she had little to wear except the robe or more shirts of theirs during the day. Not that he minded. He fucking loved how she looked in his clothes, the way they hung loose on her, the intense feeling of possessiveness that washed over him when he spotted her like that. They’d have gotten her more clothing, but she hadn’t wanted them to. None of them wanted her to go back to her place until they knew more, and the idea of buying anything had seemed too much for Sunny.
Not that Connor would complain about her not having much to wear…