Page 64 of Buried By Despair
Why do I like this so much?
Bradley couldn’t shake the feeling he shouldn’t be so damned happy about Kat’s defiance. He should hate it, should want her to listen, to be a good girl. If he’d have said what he wanted when he was younger, he’d have sworn he wanted an obedient submissive, one whose main joy was in serving her Dom and being protected by them.
So what was it about Kat that made that all go out the window? Her whispered “make me”spread across his skin like a fire, heating him up and making him want to rise to that occasion.
The more she fought, the more she misbehaved, the more desperate he was to make her listen, to see that moment she truly gave in and melted beneath his demands.
It had drawn him in before, had made him fall for her. There was a strength inside her, one he’d wanted from the first time he’d met her in Sanctuary, back when her mischievous smile had drawn him in.
Right now was no different, as Kat sat at the table, wearing a shirt that was tighter and thinner than was even close to appropriate and a short skirt that he damned well knew had nothing on under it. The girl might drive him crazy, but she sure as hell knewexactlyhow to wind him up, too.
He rose from the table and collected the bowls of food without a word, taking the items into the kitchen. It took him a minute, and he allowed Kat to stew, to worry, to wonder what would happen. No doubt each second that passed increased the tension inside her.
Good.With a woman like Kat, he needed to use every trick he had access to.
When he returned, Dean nodded, a sure sign the other man was on board. Then again, it was hard to turn down or walk away from Kat.
Olin, however, said nothing. He sat there still, staring at her, seemingly undecided if he wanted to join in or not.
How he’d resisted at Sanctuary, Bradley still had no damned idea. Olin had a lot more self-discipline than Bradley did, that was for sure.
After the entire table was clear, Bradley walked over to Kat. He grasped her chin and tugged her to her feet. It brought those gray eyes closer to his, and the flush on her cheeks went straight to his cock. He wanted to see those defiant eyes of hers go soft, wanted to taste the moment she gave in, the moment she offered up her everything to him.
“You really are trouble,” he said, the amount of affection in his own words surprising.
She swallowed in an audible gulp. “Or maybe you’re just not strong enough to deal with me.”
“You really think that? Because webothknow that I’m more than enough to deal with you, no matter how much you push me.” Bradly kept his fingers on Kat’s chin, kept her gaze locked to his, not giving her a moment of reprieve.
Dean rose and came over, sliding in behind Kat. She jerked when his fingers touched her, when he brushed against her thighs at the short hemline of her skirt.
“Be still,” Bradley said, his tone sharp. “You wanted to wear something like this for a reaction, right? Well, you’re going to get a reaction all right.”
Dean’s chuckle was dark and dangerous as he dipped his fingers beneath her skirt. “Is this what you were hoping for? You could have just asked if all you wanted was attention.” Dean slid his tongue along Kat’s earlobe before nipping at the lobe.
Kat let out a softest of moans, but a spark in her eyes said she wasn’t ready to give in just yet. “I only ask when I’m pretty sure the person is capable of what I need. Asking you all to help me get off would be like asking a dog for help with my taxes.”
Bradley snorted at the barb. No doubt other Doms might have gotten mad about it, might have gotten their egos bruised by Kat’s harsh words, but he knew better. This was a test—it was Kat pushing because she couldn’t not push.
And Bradley had no problem showing her exactly what he was capable of. He set a hand on her shoulder and pushed until she slid to her knees andboyhad he missed the sight of those gray eyes of her staring up at him. It startled him so much that he paused for a moment, unsure how to continue, what else to say.
When Dean knelt behind her, however, it reminded him to pay attention.
Bradley undid the belt on his jeans, then opened the button and pulled down the zipper. He would have told her to do it, but she’d have just taken that as another way to argue, another thing to fight over. Kat was difficult tonight, and he didn’t plan on giving her any more power than she thought she had.
He grasped his cock from his boxers and pulled it out, the chill of the air amazing on his heated skin.
It wasn’t Bradley who slid a hand behind her head and pulled her in, though. Instead, Dean did that, grasping her hair in his fist and leaning in to whisper to her ear. “Be a good girl now and suck his cock, huh? I think you’ve caused this particular issue, so isn’t it your job to deal with it?”
She opened her mouth, those red lips of hers parting to toss out a jab no doubt, but Dean took the chance to push her forward.
The heavenly warmth of her mouth enveloped him, even better when she made a sound of surprise muffled around his cock.
Still, despite her lack of warning, Kat was no slouch. She tightened her lips around his length and used her tongue to lavish attention, the sensation enough for him to shudder and groan.
“Look at that—she can behave.” Dean laughed softly before reaching beneath her skirt again. She jerked, and even though Bradley couldn’t see what exactly Dean was doing, he could guess. “Good girls get treats,” Dean said, his voice low and smooth. “Next time you want attention, try being good from the start, hmm? Because if you’d have gone and dropped to your pretty knees and begged sweetly to suck his cock, I bet he’d have said yes. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.”
Dean’s words had an immediate effect on Bradley, even. He groaned as the images mixed with the sweetness of Kat’s mouth. He couldn’t exactly picture Kat doing the things Dean said, so it wasn’t that idea exactly that got him.