Page 86 of Buried By Despair
Kat shivered, her body exhausted and overworked, no doubt. Not that they were anywhere close to done. Even if Kat would have happily fallen asleep, Bradley wasn’t about to let her.
When they all moved, Kat remained still, in the half-awake state as if groggy from the sensations still running through her. Olin delivered one more lick to her cunt, and it made Kat gasp and shake harder.
Still, she didn’t fight when they shifted. A quick look back and forth seemed to solidify the plans with Olin and Dean.
Olin moved to the top of the bed and grabbed a condom. He tossed another to Dean before putting on his own. It took little work to move Kat, to get her to spread her knees around Olin’s hips. “Such a good girl,” Olin whispered, his voice almost impossible for Bradley to make out. “You’re absolutely perfect, you know that? I don’t care what anyone else says, don’t even care what you say, you’re amazing and if you ever think differently…”
Olin made the rest of his point by grasping Kat’s hips in his large hands and forcing her down onto his waiting cock.
Kat’s lips parted, and she let out a moan so sinful Bradley worried if he’d even hold off long enough to enjoy any part of her. How was it that she could get him so close to release with just a moan?
Dean slid his own condom on, then moved behind Kat, setting his knees on the outside of Olin’s. He took the lube from the nightstand and added extra to his condom. He didn’t try to prepare her, didn’t tease her by sinking one thick finger into her ass then moving up to two.
It seemed Dean wanted more than that.
“I’m going to fuck your ass,” he said, his voice not as quiet at Olin’s, as if he didn’t give a damn if anyone else heard. “I’m not going to get you ready, but this won’t be the first time you’ve had your ass fucked, so you can take that for me like a good little slut, can’t you?”
Another one of those delicious shivers ran through Kat as she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
Why was her sayingSirso hot? Probably because she’d lost all ability to think, to argue, to do anything but submit to them. They’d pushed her far enough that all that existed of her was this moment and the things she craved.
Dean pressed the tip of his cock against her ass, then held tight to her hips, not plunging in, but teasing her. “You know, I used to be afraid of the things I wanted. I used to be so fucking careful because I thought there was this darkness inside me that was some horrible monster. You made me realize it’s just a part of me, that it isn’t bad. You’re the first and only woman to see that part of me and not run away.” He leaned in to press a kiss to her sweat-soaked back. “And I guess that means I’m not that sorry that you’re the one who gets to deal with that part of me, the one that wants to hear you cry out when I fuck your ass like this.”
He sank into her, and just as he’d said, shedidcry out. It was the sort of sound Bradley wouldneverforget, one burned into his memory no matter how the years would pass.
Yet, she didn’t struggle, didn’t even have the expression of a woman who doubted if she could handle it. No, not Kat. Kat didn’t back down from anything, which seemed to include being fucked by the three of them.
That reminder took Bradley over, so he knelt on the bed beside Olin. Kat’s eyes remained closed, as if she were savoring every sensation that ran through her body, as if she could focus on nothing else. It made Bradley pause, gave him a moment to stare at her lost to passion as she was.
She was stunning. He’d thought it so many times before, but that didn’t stop it from hitting him like this every once in a while. Her lips were parted just a bit with soft, teasing moans escaping them. Her arms had wrapped around Olin’s shoulders, clinging to him, and her back arched as Dean slid into her ass with long and slow thrusts. She was like something ethereal there, something that didn’t belong in the dirt and grime of their world.
Olin broke him free of his thoughts, however, when he caught Kat’s chin and turned her face toward Bradley.Right.It shook him, let him reach out and run his fingers through her hair. The memory of how her family had treated her lingered in Bradley’s mind, but he planned to make it perfectly clear to her how he felt—how theyallfelt.
Maybe this had all started because of the threat from Jerry—maybe that had driven them forward when they would have otherwise continued in their rut, but that didn’t matter. What Bradley had found he didn’t plan on letting go again.
Kat parted her lips when he grasped his cock and brushed it against her. The offer was sweet, and he couldn’t deny himself any longer. He pressed forward, sinking his dick into the heat of her talented mouth while Olin grasped her chin.
Not that Kat needed direction or force. On the contrary, she eagerly sucked him, taking him deep as if she couldn’t help it, as if she couldn’t get enough.
And Bradley, who was hardly some slouch when it came to sex, was damned sure he’d end up spilling well before he wanted to all because of the brat before him, the only creature who could possibly manage to tame in instead of the other way around…