Page 31 of Wolf of the Sand
Fen hummed. "It always starts with god killing."
"And not just Apsu," Khan continued. "Once Tiamat had learned what Ea had done, she was furious at losing her mate. She summoned the god, Quingu, and gave him the Tablets of Destiny which legitimizes someone to rule as a god. With him as her champion, Tiamat called on all the powers of chaos and created eleven monstrous creatures to defeat her children."
"The young gods fought against their mother and Quingu until finally Marduk defeated them and took the Tablets of Destiny, making himself the king of the gods. From Tiamat's eyes, Marduk made the rivers. From her body, he created the heavens and the earth.
"Marduk then decided he wished to make mankind to populate his new world and help share the burden of maintaining and protecting it. He consulted with Ea, and together, they decided to kill Quingu, who had sided with Tiamat in the war. From his blood, they created Lullu, the first man," Khan finished. He stretched his long legs in front of him. "That is the Atrahasi story of the creation of the world. The Ankharian is different again, but I'm too pissed off at this city to tell it tonight."
"I appreciate you telling me anything at all," Fen replied. The rune on her hand tingled, Freya giving her a gentle nudge. "The twins said you went to see your mother's grave today. Are you sure you're okay?"
Khan's face clouded with thunder. "It bothers me my father wanted to meet there. He won't let Mother be laid to rest in Atrahasis. It's so petty of him. He only summoned me to say that he's proud that I'm becoming more Ankharian because I finally took a concubine."
"Seems like an odd place to praise you for something like that," Fen said with a shake of her head. "I told you that you could make our arrangement work in your favor. You only need to let them think what they will."
"We still need to play the part. Which reminds me." Khan cleared his throat. "I need you to come with me to a feast that Hasina is holding. The Pharaoh has commanded it."
"It's only a feast, Khan. You don't need to look like someone has kicked your dog," Fen teased lightly. When he didn't smile, she added, "If it will cheer you up, I promise to spill wine on whoever annoys you."
"That will make it worth going," he said. Something in his expression softened. "I know it's early to be saying this, but it's nice to have you here and feel like I have an ally."
"As long as I am here in Aaru, I'll always be your ally, Khan," Fen replied, the vow tightening the air between them. "You saved me, and in my lands, that means I owe you a debt. You have my loyalty for as long as you need it."
Khan gave her one of his devastatingly broad smiles. "The goddesses really did bring you to me."
Two days later, Fen regretted having to go to Hasina's feast as much as Khan did. The dress that Kemes had bought her wasn't see-through, thank the gods, but it had a neckline so deep it went down her stomach. The split in the side went high up on her thigh so that she could see her tattoo when she sat down.
"I look naked," Fen complained.
"You are a concubine. You can't be too covered," Kemes argued. The dress was black and edged in gold to match Khan's usual attire. Fen's eyes had also been painted black and gold, her mouth a ruby red.
"Only royals can wear these colors. We need people to be reminded at all times who you belong to," Kemes said firmly. "It is forbidden for anyone to touch a royal concubine, don't forget that. If anyone tries, tell Khan. Or better yet, don't leave his side." She took a wide golden belt and clipped it around Fen's waist.
"I don't suppose you would be willing to put a knife on that belt too while you are at it," Fen asked hopefully.
"Don't tempt me. We aren't allowed to be with Khan tonight, so you are the only person he has to watch his back." Kemes stepped back to admire her handy work. "You look damn good if I do say so myself."
"I feel like an idiot."
Kemes smiled. "Just don't act like one."
Fen placed her hand on the other woman's shoulder and squeezed gently. "I won't do anything to embarrass him. I'll protect him if I have to."
"Good. They are snakes, and Hasina is the worst of all. Watch them tonight, but don't listen to their poison. They are your enemies as much as ours and will hurt you if they think it will hurt Khan."
Fen tapped the golden necklace. "You don't think I know that? They are the people that bought me and tossed me to their beasts."
"And make no mistake, they will do it again if given the opportunity." Kemes adjusted Fen's curls. "Fool them all. Make them think you are not a threat to them. And if someone tries to attack Khan…"
"I'll crush them like I would any other snake." Fen fluttered her long, painted eyelashes at her. "You think I need a dagger to kill someone?"
Kemes barked out a laugh. "Just don't toss anyone into pools unless they deserve it."
There was a tap at the door, and Kemes opened it with a flourish.
"My prince! I give you your royal concubine!" she said dramatically.
Khan's smile slipped a little when he looked Fen over. He wore black trousers and a shirt that showed a deep V of his muscled chest. His black curls were out and loose, the gold studs in his ears had been replaced with hoops, and his eyes were painted in kohl. They had been dressed to match perfectly.