Page 111 of Merciless
An old lady took over for her at the counter, and my beautiful nemesis motioned towards us with our order in her hands.
“Hey,” she stood in front of me. She beamed.
Her voice was filled with joy and happiness that kind of seeped into me. Her eyes were glued to my face. I dropped my gaze to her neck. The daffodil pendant was still there but on top of her shirt, not under it as usual.
“You look so happy,” I said without even thinking that my perplexity was showing through my voice. It only made her laugh.
“That’s because I am,” she sat down next to Hannah and squeezed her in a hug. “I missed you so much.”
I knew that was meant for Hannah and not for me, but when she finally released her friend from her firm grip and took a look at me, I could swear she wanted to tell me those same words.
“I have to go back,” she said instead. “We’re closed tomorrow, so call me, okay?” she asked Hannah.
“Hell no. I will wait until your shift is over,” it was Hannah’s turn to squeeze Clem. “Are you going to keep me company?” she turned to me.
“Do I have a choice?” I tapped with my fingers on the table and pretended that the next hour I would spend here eating a waffle and looking at Clementine wasn’t going to be the best thing that happened to me for months.
She returned to the long line of clients, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her.
“Will you eat that?” Hannah pointed at my untouched waffle. I slid the plate in her direction silently, not even glancing at her. She laughed. “You’re transparent.”
“So are you. You dragged me here on purpose.”
“Just tell her that you don’t actually have a girlfriend already.”
“How do you know I don’t have one?”
“Even if you do have one, the way you’re staring at my best friend kind of screams game over for every other girl out there.”
“I just can’t stop looking at her.”
“Yeah,” Hannah tapped my hand with her fork. “That’s creepy, by the way. Maybe turn the obsession part down a notch.”
“You moved to Boston for a guy that barely knows you exist and you talk to me about obsession.”
Hannah gasped and leaned back on her chair.
“Jerk,” she shouted and everyone, including Clementine, turned to us. I winked at her, and she blushed. “Oh my God,” Hannah dragged with annoyance. “Did you just wink at her?”
“Have you even seen him since you moved?” I ignored her attempt to ridicule me, and I pressed her about Tyler. I slid my gaze to her reluctantly.
“No,” she looked down at my now almost empty plate. “But we text from time to time. The thing is I’m starting to feel like he’s treating me like I’m his sister.”
“Probably because he’s not into you.”
“Wow. And here I thought you would be happy to see me, and I would enjoy my waffle without your insults, smartass.”
“Open your eyes, Spencer,” I said implying she was lying to herself about Tyler.
“You sound like Clem. Maybe you two have to follow your own advice. But by the way you’re looking at each other I’m judging it is already happening. I’m guessing I’m not going to see a lot from my best friend now, am I?” she pouted.
“She’s all yours, Spencer. All yours.”
I wanted to give Hannah and Clem space and let them catch up. Mainly because I was the reason Clementine took off for Thanksgiving and it was obvious these two missed each other like crazy.
The thing was our mothers made it impossible for Clementine and me to keep a distance between us. The following day there was a lunch in my house that we all gathered up for. I wasn’t complaining though. I was enjoying this new version of Clementine so much I couldn’t get enough of her.