Page 15 of Merciless
“It’s official,” Chase declared. “You’re becoming a cunt, aren’t you? Do you know you’re pouting? What happened? Someone has prettier nails?”.
I might agree his stunts during games were funny if you’re not the captain of his team, but the drunk Chase was a fucking asshole and pissed everyone off. The good thing was he didn’t hold a grudge if you punched him in the drunken face. I knew that from personal experience.
“Go take a nap, man,” I didn’t pay attention to his attempts to irritate me. “Would you like me to entertain your girlfriend while you do?” I purposefully used the wordgirlfriend. I knew it could make him break sweat and, possibly, vomit.
“Have at it, birthday boy! But you could wait a minute and put your now adult dick in…,” Chase paused and stared at the front door, “…that.”. At the door was standing a not so sexy stripper. Or at least that was my first thought. Then I replayed Chase’s words in my head again and finally got the occupation right.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” I hissed as the crowd around us spotted the new face at the door and started whistling. “You called a hooker? There is a ton of underage drinking happening feet away from suburban moms who will speed dial 911 the second they see her. And the more important question. What am I? A fucking virgin? A forty-year-old divorced dentist?” I wasn’t raising my voice yet, but I was getting there. I just needed to get rid of that walking gonorrhea on a stick first.
“Relax, it’s just a joke. Because of your celibacy, you know?” Chase slurred. “Why are you so touchy lately?”
“My celibacy?”
I pretended I didn’t hear his last sentence, because we both knew why. There was no point in stating something that was already known by everyone involved in the conversation.
I left him standing and marched through the living room. Guys started howling and tapping my shoulders as if there was some sort of accomplishment in banging someone who got paid for it. I saw Hannah’s disgusted look as I passed her by. I was never going to admit it out loud, but the thought of Clementine hearing about this made my skin crawl.
“Hi,” I cleared my throat. “There has been a misunderstanding. Your services won’t be needed. You can leave,” I pulled cash from the back pocket of my jeans. She put her hand on mine, preventing me from giving her a generous undeserved tip.
“It’s already paid,” she purred. “Are you sure you don’t want to see what the fuss is all about, honey?” her voice was no doubt deliberately sweet and inviting. She didn’t know she was just a part of a joke. She thought I was a virgin.
“I know exactly what the fuss is all about,honey. My friend is a moron. Let me give you something extra for the ride ho… wherever you’re going”.
She motioned closer to me, her hand sliding from my wrist up in an attempt of… what? Seduce me? Change my mind? Shouldn’t she be happy that she got paid for nothing?
“I’m sure the girl you slept with is no match to me, handsome,” she removed her hand from my shoulder and aimed for my crotch. I caught it midair and held it inches away from my very, very soft dick as I examined her face. Maybe she was pretty when she started doing tricks, but who could say for sure. She looked forty, tired as fuck, and repulsively motivated to make me fuck her.
“Listen, lady,” I tried to emphasize the age difference between us, “If I decide to, my pussy count this week alone will exceed your number of prepaying dicks for the whole month. I don’t need your services. If you need to get laid, you’re free to take with you the jackass who found you in the first place. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Now, turn around and get the fuck out”.
I turned my back on her and went back to Chase who was frowning at me. I pushed him into the laundry room. I needed a minute away from all those assholes in my house anyway.
Chase was looking at me like he knew something I didn’t.
“What?” I snapped.
“You’ll regret it, man,” he shook his head.
“Regret what? Avoiding a burning sensation every time I take a leak? Or not spending the night in the police station after someone already pissed off about the noise we’re making, decides a hooker in the neighborhood is a bit too much?”.
My mother would burn my mattress along with my ass if she knew a hooker was dripping juices on it. And Elizabeth Cole was nice, delicate, and had a cheerful spirit. Sylvia Hartley, for example, was our street’s version of a cartoon character that skinned puppies to make herself a coat. She would skinmealive and wear me with a smirk. I had no doubt the two women next door would call the cops and guide them directly to my ass.
“I’m not talking about the hooker. She’ll walk all over you, man.Again,” Chase cut my thoughts who were already spiraling in Clementine’s direction anyway. “Besides, I heard her and Dylan are getting cozy.”
“No way,” I snorted. “She can’t be into him.”
But I knew she could and Chase spoke the words that were already forming in my head.
“She liked him once,” he mumbled. “And no offense, but every girl in school likes him. Ever since he came back, you can’t stop yourself from looking at her. Why do you think that is?” he asked sarcastically. “You’re looking for clues. Admit it.”
It was true. Despite my every intention, my eyes drifted in her direction every time she was near. I knew there was no point in trying to hide it, so I decided not to even try.
“I don’t want her,” I said and crossed my arms over my chest. “I just don’t wanthimto have her either”.
“Yeah, I know. Himandanyone else,” Chase pressed.
A knock on the door saved me from that embarrassing conversation. Every fucker in school knew he had to stay away from Clementine if he wanted to walk around on his feet instead of rolling in a wheelchair in the hallways. I issued a personal warning to every asshole that asked her out. Chase and I just never talked about it, although I’d seen his opinion on his face. It screamed I was pathetic.
“Are you boys decent?” Amy asked from the other side of the door, trying to be funny and failing.