Page 45 of Merciless
“Hannah’s your friend, and she knows shit. Well, she knows some of it, maybe. But deep down you’re not capable of telling the truth. Even to yourself. That’s why that clown is here,” he pointed at Dylan. “Oh, and I’m pretty sure you love it when I call youthat.”
“You are unbelievable,” I shook my head and left him standing alone in the middle of the room. His laughter filled the open space.
I pulled a chair and sat at the table. Everyone did the same. Dylan picked the spot next to me. Tyler sat next to Dylan. Hannah was probably mad at my brother, because she chose the furthest spot from him. She was sitting across from me.
The members of the Cole family that were currently present joined us few seconds later.
“Garret will be late,” Elizabeth looked on edge. “It’s weird being the only adult here. Except you, Tyler,” she smiled at my brother.
“I can’t say I’m a good influence, but I could chaperone with your guidance,” he mocked us all.
Hannah frowned, obviously offended. He deserved to be ignored by her for the rest of his life in my opinion, but, apparently, she planned to move across the country to follow him around.
Conversation was pretty much nonexistent. Elizabeth checked the time every five minutes, no doubt wishing for her husband to come back sooner and help her with this mess. The mess that I created. It wouldn’t be so intense if Dylan wasn’t here. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut every now and again?
“Why so grim, birthday girl?” Dylan bumped his shoulder into mine. I half smiled.
“I…umm…I…,” I was sounding like a moron. I could barely breathe and swallow, let alone think of a lie. I couldn’t tell him that I regretted inviting him, that I was hurt about my family not showing up for my eighteenth birthday, that I felt homeless long before my house burnt down, and that my stay with the perfect Coles was a constant reminder of that. I didn’t even want to begin to dig into my feelings towards Lucas and the fact he had told his mother to get me a raspberry cake because he knew it would cut my heart into pieces.
“You should be excited. Have fun. Are you turning eighteen or eighty?” he tried to be goofy and funny, but I just wasn’t in the mood.
I looked at Hannah for moral support. She looked just as worried as I felt. I caught with the corner of my eye that Lucas was looking at me and Dylan, but I avoided looking back at him.
Tyler was occupied with his phone and paid no attention to us. Elizabeth and Troy were arguing about some sleepover he wanted to attend over the weekend. I thought she might be deliberately distancing herself from the four of us. She was maybe even reconsidering my stay here.
“Honestly,” Dylan continued, without any indication from me that I was participating in that conversation. “I have never seen anyone more miserable on their birthday,” his tone was starting to feel judgmental.
Lucas started talking, and I was pretty sure he meant to start his sentence with the worddickhead, but Hannah cut him off with a suggestion.
“Maybe we could play a game?”
Lucas wasn’t having it and said what he had in mind anyway.
“She’s living here against her will and three out of four of her family members didn’t even bother coming for her birthday. I think she’s doing pretty great.”
Tears started filling up my eyes. My whole body shook. I pushed my chair back and darted up.
“A game it is. Should we go outside?”
I didn’t have anything particular in mind. I just didn’t want Lucas and Dylan to ruin the house while they tried to kill each other.
“Great idea,” Hannah was the only one to speak. “Truth or dare?”
She glanced at my brother, and I could already see her brain going through hundreds of questions she would ask him if presented with the possibility.
“How about Never have I ever?” Dylan asked with a wicked grin on his face, looking straight at Lucas.
“As a chaperone I have to remind you that you are not allowed to drink,” Tyler said, then leaned over to Elizabeth and put his charm in action. “Am I doing it right? Rules are not my strong suit. Breaking them is more my thing.”
“You’re doing fine, Tyler, but since it’s a party, I think we could allow a glass of wine each.”
My head snapped in her direction. That was something that this party didn’t need for sure.
Tyler rubbed his hands together.
“In that case, I’m voting for Never have I ever.”
“You’re playing?” I asked surprised.