Page 62 of Merciless
“And who would you pay attention to?” I was enjoying this immensely. “No. Wait. It doesn’t matter. I’ll explain you why.” I leaned even closer. Our bodies touched. She was panting. “I fucked enough girls to know this, so listen carefully. It won’t work. You can fuck every guy in here and you would still want me.”
I knew I was being a jackass, and it would piss her off, but I was losing patience. I needed her to figure out this shit between us before I died of old age.
“I might test that theory,” she said, her eyes were throwing daggers at me.
“Sure, be my guest,” I moved away and stood behind her. I traced her spine with my finger. I leveled my mouth to her ear and whispered. “You know the one rule though. Williams is not on the menu.”
Obviously there were no rules. She could fuck him, and I couldn’t do shit about it. I was just pushing her buttons. I had the feeling she would go straight to him after this, and it could go two different ways. She could fuck him or decide not to. Either way, it wouldn’t magically redirect her feelings for me to him.
“We’ll see about that,” she spat and left me laughing.
Two hours later I was still alcohol free and beginning to regret the way I played my cards. Clem was drunk. She was a fun drunk. A little dorky. She snort-laughed, bumped into people, and explained out loud every time she had to go pee.
When I deliberately pissed her off earlier, I hadn’t thought about the fact that she would get drunk. It put her in a vulnerable position with that dickhead she wanted to bang just to prove a point.
So, I spent the last two hours watching over her. I didn’t want her to do something stupid and regret tomorrow morning. But, unfortunately, my role for the night included me watching her throwing herself at Williams every time her eyes met mine.
I knew the alcohol was the reason for her behavior. She never touched him like that when she was sober. She was leaning her body into his. His hand was glued to her waist.
I knew she had every right to be angry with me about intervening in her love life for years. I really did. It was shitty of me, but I just couldn’t bring myself to feel bad about it.
It was almost midnight, and Hannah was shooting me concerned looks. After the third time my eyes met hers, I decided to go over there.
“Hey, roomy,” I said, and Clementine looked at me with annoyance. “Would I have to carry you home tonight?”
“Nemesis,” she supplied, and I grinned. It was the first time she called me that. “Maybe I would crash somewhere else tonight.”
In your dreams, baby.
I leaned over to Hannah. The music muffled my words, and she was the only one hearing me.
“Do you want to bitch slap her now or you’re going to wait until she’s unconscious and this asshole fucks her in the bathroom?”
“What kind of a friend do you think I am?” She looked at me offended. “I stopped drinking the moment I realized she wants to get hammered. I’m holding my pee for forty minutes now because I don’t want to leave her alone.”
“Jeez,” I huffed. “That’s why you were eyeing me for? Because you want to go to the bathroom? Go, Spencer. I’ll stay.”
Hannah leaned over the counter and tried to look Clem in the eyes. It was a difficult task considering the latter couldn’t hold her head up without moving it. I sent Williams a warning look. He ignored me.
“Clem, I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t move.”
Hannah smacked my shoulder and looked at me with a serious face. I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’m not leaving her.”
My closeness sobered Clementine up a little. She stopped leaning in on Dylan, and he removed his hand from her body. He looked around. Then he pressed his mouth to her ear and said something that made her frown. She shot me a look. I couldn’t take it anymore. I put my hand over Dylan’s shoulder and asked politely.
“Will you give us a minute?”
I squeezed his shoulder harder than I had to. I wanted to send him a message. He was giving us that minute one way or the other. He moved few feet away, and I took his place next to her, hiding her body with mine so that he couldn’t see her. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up trying to catch her gaze.
“What did he say to you?” I didn’t think she would tell me, but she surprised me.
“He asked me to go upstairs with him.”
“Will you?”