Page 68 of Merciless
The college talk in the Cole’s residence had become more and more frequent even before Christmas. In the beginning of my stay no one asked me about my plans. I was a totally different person now, and Elizabeth talked to me like I was one of her kids. I liked it. No. Loved it. But I hated that I had to lie to her face now. And it was getting harder for me to do it. So every time she tried to ask me about it, I found excuses to leave the room and pretended I had to call Hannah or dad that very second.
I saw how they all looked at me. The suspicion. The fact that I was lying to them was tearing me up inside. They knew something was up. I just hoped I could hold on to that secret a little bit longer. I was scared that Elizabeth would tell my parents if she found out the truth.
And I wasn’t even remotely ready to think about Lucas’s reaction to my yet another secret.
It was the first day of school after New Year’s, and my palms were sweating. I knew I would see Dylan there. I had no idea what he was thinking. I acted like an idiot at that party. I led him on. Used him. He probably figured that out by now.
I was chewing my lower lip, staring at my reflection in the kitchen window, when Lucas came behind me. He pressed his body to mine and reached out to my mouth. His thumb released my lip from my teeth. He kissed my hair.
“Everything is going to be fine. Forget about it.”
“How do you know?” I turned around to face him. “What if he’s mad?”
Lucas shook his head.
“What would he even say? That he tried to take advantage of you while you were drunk? Believe me. Even if his ego is hurt, he won’t say a thing.”
“But people saw me there. With him. Someone must have seen me leaving with you.”
“Clem, chill. I’m the golden boy, remember? People love me,” he hesitated for a moment, then continued. “Leave your car here. I’ll drive you today.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” I rounded him and tried to escape him. He took my wrist, and I stopped.
“Why not? What are you so scared of? If anything, if people know you’re with me, they will avoid pissing you off because they will know it would piss me off.”
“What do you meanwith me?” I asked, panic taking hold of my body.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
Lucas got into my face and leaned in for a kiss. Alarm rang in my head and I pushed him back.
“Your mother is here.”
“So? I don’t want to hide.”
“Maybe you should include me in that decision?” I squinted.
“Like you include me in yours?” he pressed.
“I…We have to go.”
I left him standing there alone without finishing the conversation. I knew it would backfire in my face later, but the anxiety got me by the throat and I needed to get away from him, just to be able to breath.
I managed to avoid Dylan in school for two whole hours. Then I bumped into him. He wasn’t smiling at he usually did. He looked at me with an expression I couldn’t read.
“I’m so sorry,” I said, and he shook his head immediately.
“I’m the one who has to apologize. I did it again, didn’t I?” I knew what he meant. I saw the similarities of it, but I was a willing participant. Both times actually. “I let things go too far.”
“They didn’t.”
“No thanks to me. I felt like it was my last chance to get somewhere with you. I saw how you and Cole were looking at each other the whole night. I knew if I don’t make a move, I may not have another shot.”
I felt the urge to deny the connection I had with Lucas. To lie again. But I didn’t.
“I’m sorry, Dylan. I was so confused. And he was pissing me off. I used you. And now we can’t be friend…”
“Of course we can. Now that I’m sure that we can never be anything more than that.”