Page 21 of Bring Her On
“No, we’d love to have you,” Katie said.
I was in. “Sweet.”
“And . . .” Penny said, “there’s someone I’ve been wanting to introduce you to, so that works perfectly.”
I narrowed my eyes.
“You’re inviting me to your book club to set me up? Do you not remember what I’ve said about setting me up?”
It was the one thing I’d asked my friends never to do. It had only led to awkwardness, heartache, and, in one instance, a trip to the eye doctor for a scratched cornea.
“I told you not to tell her that,” Katie said, playfully smacking Penny on the shoulder.
They stared at each other. “What? I wasn’t going to just let her walk in without warning her first. And if she takes the initiative herself, it’s not a set up.”
I waved my hands in front of them.
“Hey, sitting right here. I’ll still do your damn book club, but I refuse to be introduced to anyone.”
Penny snorted. “How is that even going to work?”
“I will be a ghost who occasionally makes really good observations.”
Katie squeezed Penny’s shoulder to stop her from protesting.
“Babe, just let her be a ghost and if something happens, then it happens. Let it go.”
Penny sighed in defeat.
“I just want you to be happy.”
“Believe me, I know.” I knew they wanted me to be happy. So did Dom and Heath and my parents and Camille and Jason and Tom and my cheerleaders and even their parents. The people in my life were constantly trying to fix me up with someone. Anyone. Their lesbian cousin from Omaha, the lady at the DMV who looked kinda gay. Any warm body. Most of the time, I understood that it was coming from a good place, but honestly, I was exhausted. Sure, I wanted to be with someone. I didn’t want to stay alone for the rest of my life. I wanted companionship. But I wanted it onmyterms, inmytiming.
“We just love you so much, you’re our favorite friend,” Penny and Katie got up and piled on top of me as I screamed and tried to wiggle away. We all ended up on the floor, laughing until we couldn’t breathe.
“This was exactly what I needed,” I said, rolling onto my back and catching my breath.