Page 37 of Bring Her On
I laughed and went back to the table. Echo was telling a story about a memorable hike where she’d stripped naked to go bathing in a river and her clothes had been stolen by some raccoons.
“So, there I was, completely naked and chasing two raccoons, hoping they didn’t have rabies, and hoping that no one saw me.” She paused for dramatic effect. “And we crossed the trail just as a local bird watching society was looking for a rare owl or something and I ended up ruining their day in more ways than one. Got my clothes back, though.”
I couldn’t help it; I was dying from laughter. The image of a naked Echo running through the woods after two raccoons and startling some bird watchers was one of the funniest fucking things I’d ever heard in my entire life. My friends seemed to think so too, and the entire table dissolved into wheezing guffaws. That story was just too much, and it cracked through my shell.
I was warm from the alcohol and the camaraderie. I was vulnerable, so I got up to head to the bathroom for a break. I felt her following me, but I didn’t say anything until we were both inside the bathroom and alone together.
“Why are you here?” I asked. “What are you doing in my bar?”
“Would you believe me if I said that I ended up here by accident?” There she was, leaning against the sink again, only the bar bathroom was a lot darker than the bathroom in the Corsica gym.
“No, I would not.” I stared into the cracked mirror.
“I did, I promise. I got in my car after practice and decided to drive around and then I stopped in for a drink. Swear.” She held both hands up.
“That’s only somewhat plausible. Did you enjoy having the whole gym to yourself?”
“It was strange and quiet, to be honest. I ended early because it felt wrong to be there without your team. The athletic director was there to supervise, and she was keeping her eyes on me. She’s a force to be reckoned with. Much better than the guy we have at Heartwood. He’s been doing the job for thirty-five years and still thinks cheerleaders are bimbos, but he begrudgingly gives us funding.”
That sounded like a nightmare. I was so lucky to have Cam in my corner.
“I didn’t plan to sabotage your evening. You looked like you were having fun and I crashed it. I'm sorry.” For once, I actually believed her.
I sighed. “Whatever, it’s fine. I’m not a complete heartless bitch.”
Echo smirked. “Most of the time.”
“Hey!” I said, attempting to give her a playful shove, and then pulling back at the last minute so I just ended up losing my balance and falling into her. She caught me and my hands gripped her shoulders. They were firm, but soft as well. We stared into each other’s eyes, and for a moment, I didn’t know how to breathe.
The door opened with a bang.
“Oops, my bad,” a drunk and stumbling dude said, pushing away and heading for the men’s room. That was my wakeup call. I stepped away from Echo and went back to my friends. Being in enclosed spaces alone with her wasn’t good for me.
My friends went silent as I rejoined them so, clearly, they’d been talking about me and Echo and what we’d been doing in the bathroom.
“That was kind of quick for a hookup, but no judgment,” Penny said.
That earned her a kick under the table.
“It’s not like that,” I said.
“Oh, I think it is,” Katie said, her eyes glittering from the combination of the drama and the amount of drinks she’d had. She was stopped from further speculation by Echo returning.
“This has all been lovely, but I need to get back to my neck of the woods. I have a morning run with my team I have to get up for.”
Ew, she actually did the run with them? That sounded horrible. I made my kids do conditioning, but I wasn’t about to get down and do it with them. I’d rather die. Yoga was much more my speed now, or swimming, or walking.
Echo spared a goodbye to everyone, and left with one long look at me that gave me far more questions than answers.
“I think I need another drink,” I said as the door of The Trap shut behind her.
I had a second drink at The Trap, and headed home earlier than I would have if I didn’t have to get up and focus on my squad all day tomorrow.
Ten minutes after I’d walked through the door, a text message came through from Echo.
You looked really hot tonight.
The compliment made me feel some kind of way.