Page 47 of Bring Her On
That was true. She played dirty, and she’d obviously learned more with age.
“Uh huh,” I said, at a loss for anything else.
“You ready to go again, baby?” The term of endearment was new, but I didn’t mind it. I actually liked it a lot, almost more than the way my name sounded in her mouth.
“I guess,” I said, looking up at the ceiling and hoping I was going to make it through tonight.
“No, that’s not good enough. I need an enthusiastic yes.”
“Yes,” I said, with as much enthusiasm as my wrung-out body could muster.
Echo laughed.
“Okay, I’ll take it.”
She sucked hard on my clit, and it shocked me. “Yes! Yes!”
Echo laughed as she licked me up and down and all around, using both hands as well to drive me to a second, somehow more powerful, orgasm.
“If this is your attempt at trying to kill me so I can’t show up and coach at Nationals, you’re well on your way,” I said.
She laughed. “That wasn’t my plan, but it is now.”
After a few more orgasms, we both needed to refuel, so we headed to the kitchen and got waylaid by the cats, who demanded attention. We’d both put on robes so it wasn’t too weird.
“Do you ever wonder if cats think about why we wear clothes? Or if they just think we change our fur?” Echo asked, as I mined the fridge and pantry for sustenance.
I had a tray that I used when I had Katie and Penny over that Dom had given me to make charcuterie, so I loaded it up with tons of chips and crackers and cheese and anything else I could find that was quick and easy that we could eat in bed.
“I have literally never thought of that, but now I’m going to wonder,” I said as I picked up the tray and started back toward the bedroom. Echo picked up a few bottled waters so we had some hydration.
Back in bed, we munched and I stared at her.
“I didn’t know this was going to happen tonight,” I admitted. “I mean, did you plan this with that little stunt of the energy drinks and snacks?”
Echo picked up a cracker and placed two pieces of cheese on top before shoving the whole thing in her mouth.
“No, I didn’t know this was going to happen. I definitely didn’t know you were going to invite me over. I figured if we fucked it was going to be on the cheer mats, or in one of our cars. Doing it in a bed is much nicer. Plus, snacks.”
I wasn’t sure if I believed that, but it didn’t matter. No going back from tonight. We were going to fuck until the sun came up and deal with the consequences after. That would be a problem for future Kiri and Echo to deal with.
“I had no idea this was going to happen, but it seems like it was inevitable now. I guess I was just in denial.”
Echo chuckled and picked up another set of crackers and two cheeses. She must really like cheese.
“I think there was denial on both sides, to be fair,” she said.
I crunched on a chip and chased it with one of a different flavor. They really should make a bag that had all the flavors in it, all put together. Maybe that was a million-dollar idea. I should pitch it to Lay’s.
“What are you thinking about, Kiri?”
My brain had drifted off, thinking about chips.
“Chips,” I said, layering the three flavors together and eating them at once. Delicious.
Echo shook her head at me. “You are strange and wonderful, Kiri Kentwood, and I knew that the second we met.”
My face turned red, and I wished I hadn’t turned on all the lights in my bedroom because I’d wanted to see every inch of her naked body. “I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”