Page 51 of Bring Her On
“Being here like this with you. Less than a day ago I would have said that I’d have a better chance of fucking Kristen Stewart than you, and now things are . . . blurry.”
Echo set her fork down and sipped her orange juice. Everything she did was sexy, and this simple gesture was no exception.
“Things don’t have to be blurry. Cheer is going to be over in a few days, and then . . .” she trailed off and shrugged one shoulder.
“We’re still going to be rivals next year. And I still literally don’t even know your middle name.”
That made her laugh. “It’s Marie, in case you were wondering. What’s yours?”
Middle names weren’t the point, but I told her anyway. “Anna.”
“Kiri Anna Kentwood. It’s a really nice name.”
“Thank you, I did not get to pick it myself, but my parents did a good job.”
“I think so.”
Silence fell between us and I realized that we had a lot to do today and should get moving. I had to take Kiri back to her car, I had to pack, and I had to just . . . get my mind right.
“This doesn’t change anything that’s going to happen on the mat,” I said as I got dressed in new clothes and Echo put on the same outfit from last night.
“I know,” she said. “It doesn’t have to. We’re still going to kick your ass.” With that, she smacked my ass and I tried not to moan at the memory of her doing that last night as I begged her for more.
“That’s what you think,” I said, zipping my jeans and then brushing my hair with some water to style it. I didn’t think anyone was going to be at the school to see me drop off Echo to get her car, but I didn’t want to take a chance, so I ended up cramming a baseball cap on my head and wearing the most aggressive sunglasses I had. So much for styling my hair.
“You look like a celebrity trying to avoid detection as you get your morning coffee,” Echo said when she saw my ensemble.
“Do you want anyone to know about this? Because I don’t. Can you imagine?” I shuddered to think about it. I didn’t need my cheer squad to know about my sex life, thank you very much.
“Fair enough,” she said with a sigh. We both got into my car and I burned rubber to get her to the school.
“I’ll see you later, bye,” I said, almost shoving her out the door.
“No kiss?” she asked, and then pouted. “I gave you a kiss last night when you wanted one.”
My eyes darted around to make sure that no one was going to see us. It was a school day and the parking lot was full. At any moment, the bell could ring and students from my squad could walk outside and see us.
“If I kiss you, will you leave?” I whispered, as if someone was listening in.
“Yup,” she said, puckering.
“Fine,” I leaned forward and gave her a peck and she sat back with a frown.
“That wasn’t good enough.”
“Oh my god, Echo, this is ridiculous, we’re going to get caught.”
“Kiss me like you mean it and I’ll go.”
This time I pressed my lips against hers like I had last night, and added tongue for good measure. Her mouth opened and, after a few seconds, I forgot that we were in the Corsica High School parking lot. I was just Kiri, making out with Echo, the hottest girl I’d ever seen.
Echo pulled away first and my vision swam. Blurry again.
“That’s more like it,” she said, tapping my nose with one finger. “I’ll see you later, Kiri.”
She got out of my car and I sat there for a second getting myself under control. She drove away before I did, but eventually, I put my car into drive and headed back home to pack for Nationals.
The team dinner at the VFW hall was so much fun that I couldn’t stop laughing until I cried. And then I got emotional and cried. It was a mélange of emotions.