Page 79 of Bring Her On
“Yeah, fun foryou.”
“Don’t pout, baby,” she said, and then she kissed me and bit my bottom lip. I stopped thinking about kids. “Come on, let’s go practice making a baby.”
I gave her a look. “Do we need to talk about how babies are made?”
“Do you want to be talking right now?” She stepped away from me and stripped off her shirt.
“You can’t just take your shirt off to shut me up,” I said, crossing my arms and trying not to drool.
“It works, though,” she said, undoing her bra and tossing it away. “Come on, follow the clothes.” Her shorts were next, and then her underwear. She paused right in front of my bedroom door and crooked her finger at me.
“Come and get it.”
“Yes, you will come,” I said, following her. Echo let me toss her on the bed, and then it was my turn to strip.
I got naked and reached into the fun drawer. Echo had added her own supply of toys and I knew which ones were her favorites by now. We were both adventurous in the bedroom, so we were completely on the same page.
“You ready?” I said, holding up the scarf.
“I’m always ready for you.”
“That’s what you think,” I said, and tied the blindfold around her face.
A few hours—and a shower—later, we lay on my bed, passing a container of ice cream back and forth.
“Do you always want to live in Maine?” she asked me. I paused, with my spoon about to dig out a big chunk of chocolate.
“I don’t know. This is where I grew up, so I’ve never known anything different. I might be open to living somewhere else.”
“Somewhere warmer, hopefully?” she asked.
“My parents live in Arizona. I’m sure they’d love it.” Oh my god, what a nightmare. I loved them, but I couldn’t be around them like that all the time.
“I’m thinking more like California. Or maybe Seattle?” she said.
“It rains all the time there.”
“A little rain never hurt anyone,” she said.
We talked and argued and decided that we weren’t ready to move anywhere. Besides, we didn’t even live together yet.
“How would you feel about giving up that gorgeous apartment?” This had been a sticking point for me. I adored my house, and I didn’t want to give it up. Plus, I’d have to sell it, which would take time if I went forward.
“I think I could do it for the right person,” she said, scraping the bottom of the ice cream container.
“Am I the right person?”
She held the last spoonful of ice cream up for me. “Yeah, baby. You are. You’ve always been the right person. Just took me a long time to figure it out.”
“That makes two of us,” I said. “But we got here in the end.”
She set the empty container and spoons on my nightstand and kissed me. “This is right where I want to be. With you.”
“Everything is better with you,” I said.