Page 21 of Didn't Stay in Vegas
“Shall we browse?” Emma asked, and we started on the left side of the room, moving from painting to sculpture. They had gotten inspired by the stories of Black women and children who were homeless, and just scanning the show was like a punch in the gut. Incredible. A part of the proceeds of the sale of any of the art went toward various charities helping black women and children afford housing and other necessities.
“I feel like I’m not smart or worthy enough for this,” I said to Emma.
“Shhh, we don’t have to get it. We just have to appreciate it and be supportive. Art is subjective.” Right. We made it to the back and headed for the food table.
“Nowthisis a work of art,” I said, picking up a little spinach and artichoke tart.
“Don’t say that too loud,” Emma whispered, getting me a little plate to pile my snacks on. I did some serious damage with the hors d’oeuvres before getting back to the other side of the show. I started to appreciate the art more once I had food and one glass of wine in me. The power in the work was so intense, I had to wipe a few tears at Nova’s piece featuring a mother holding her child sitting on a sidewalk outside a shelter. I shared a look with Emma and there were tears in her eyes too. We weren’t the only ones.
“Our friend is really talented and I feel like a loser in comparison,” I said, when we’d reached the final piece that was a sculpture Dierdre had made that was simply calledJoythat was a child standing with her face upturned, her eyes closed, and a sweet smile on her face.
“You say that at every one of Nova’s shows,” Emma pointed out. “You have your own talents, Callyn. So what if you can’t capture something like this?” She pointed to a painting of a woman looking out of a dirty window, her chin resting in her hand.
I put my hands up and looked around. “What are my talents? Where are they? Besides always spilling food on myself?” I pointed to the spot on my romper. I’d been as careful as I could, and yet.
Emma pulled me aside so we were alone in a deserted corner. “Listen to me, Callyn, you’re thebestbest friend someone could ask for. You’re loyal as hell, you always find the joy in any situation, you’re funny as fuck, you make the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever, you’re good at stacking a dishwasher, you have a remarkable knowledge for random bird species, you always know how to make me feel better when I feel like shit, and you look really, really good in a romper. Is that good, or should I keep going?” I was rendered speechless. I’d been at a loss for words so many times today.
I sputtered a few times. Emma stood so close to me that it was hard to breathe. “Um, that’s good for now but I might want some more later?”
“How about some more wine?” she asked, and I nodded. She went back to the food table as I tried to compose myself.
“You doing okay?” Nova was back with Sammi on her arm. Sammi was also dressed in gold, with velvet pants and a matching jacket and black boots.
“You both look incredible,” I said, while I waited for Emma to come back. Nova was so tall, and Sammi was petite, but they fit together so perfectly. Standing next to them made you almost high on the love they shared for one another.
“We do, don’t we?” Nova said, kissing Sammi’s head.
“I told you these pants were a good idea. You said I’d never have anywhere to wear them, and look at me now.” Sammi twirled, and Nova tilted her head to the side.
“I never said you wouldn’t have anywhere to wear them, babe. If I remember correctly, I complimented the way your ass looks in them because hell yes,” she said, and they both laughed. I felt like I was intruding and it was a relief when Emma returned, this time with more wine and a plate of mini cakes.
“Oh,youare the best,” I said. It would take me about a thousand years to list all of Emma’s talents. Right now, those talents involved knowing that I needed cake and bringing it to me.
“I try,” she said as I shoved one of the little cakes into my mouth. It had blackberry jam in the center and when I bit down some of it squirted down my chin. Emma smiled and mopped my chin with a napkin she pulled out of nowhere.
“I’m a mess,” I said, taking the napkin and finishing the job myself. “Am I good?”
“You two are so cute,” Sammi said, putting her head against Nova’s arm. Nova dwarfed Sammi by almost a foot, so Sammi couldn’t put her head on Nova’s shoulder without a stepladder.
“What?” I asked, as Emma tossed the napkin and ate one of the cakes much more daintily than I did, and without spilling anything on herself. Unfair.
Nova nudged Sammi and gave her a look.
“You two are so cute. As friends. You know,” Sammi said.
“Riiiiiight,” I said, drawing the word out. What was she talking about? I looked at Emma, but she was concentrating real hard on the two cakes left on the plate.
“On that note, I have to go make a speech,” Nova said, and she joined Skye and Dierdre, calling for everyone’s attention.
“Thank you all for coming to our show,” Nova said. I glanced at Sammi, who was glowing with so much pride, she was almost incandescent. Fuck, I wanted that.
Something made me look at Emma and I found her watching me with an intensity that made my cheeks go red. So distracted by her, I missed Nova’s speech and was a little late in raising my glass. Oops. Distraction had replaced Jean as my middle name today.
WE HUNG AROUND FORa little while longer and I had a few more cakes before we headed out to the movies.
“Are you even going to want popcorn after all that?” Emma asked as we hopped on the train to get to the theater.