Page 44 of Didn't Stay in Vegas
Iwanted to ask hera million questions and I wanted to ask myself a million more. Instead of doing that, I said I needed to take a shower and Emma asked if she could come with me. A microscopic part of me wanted some space from her so I could think, but the majority of me was too horny for that, so I said she could.
We ended up getting dirtier instead of cleaner in the shower and she fucked me standing with her fingers while I tried to hold onto the shower bar so my legs wouldn’t collapse beneath me. Then I paid her back by doing the same thing and she braced her back on the wall and lifted her leg so I could get a better angle and I decided to try going down on her again, but nearly drowned in the spray, so that was a fail, but we both laughed and I finished her with my hand anyway. Before the water got cold, we did a quick wash of all our important parts. It was seriously late and I was going to be a mess for work tomorrow, but none of that mattered. Emma wrapped me in a towel and I followed her into her room.
“You going to watch?” she asked, as she grabbed some pajamas from her drawer.
“I mean, yes? If that’s okay.” I’d always stopped myself from admiring her at all so, as a result, I hadn’t gotten to appreciate her incredible body. Seriously, WOW.
“It’s a little weird,” she said, but dropped her towel anyway. She turned her back to me which gave me a great view of her ass, and that sweet little tattoo. It was generous and round and I wanted to bite it. Emma looked at me over her shoulder.
“You’re looking at me like you want to eat me.”
“I do. I want to eat all of you. In a non-cannibalistic way. In a sexy way.” I was not that great at this. I was beginning to see why I was single so often.
“Thanks, I think?” I went back to staring at her ass as she put on a tank and then slipped on some bottoms. No undies there either.
“Why didn’t I know that you don’t wear underwear most of the time?” I feel like that was something I should have known.
“I don’t know.” She lifted one shoulder and dropped it before picking up her towel and tossing it in the hamper.
She crossed her arms and nodded at me.
“Your turn.”
“I don't have clothes in here,” I said.
“I don’t care. You got to see mine. Now show me yours.” My mouth dropped open.
“Emma Christine. Are you demanding that I drop this towel and walk back to my room naked to get my pajamas and let you watch the whole time?” I pretended to be horrified.
“Uh, yes? Have you seen yourself from the back?” I turned my head and attempted to do that, but ended up just going in a circle.
“I mean, not really because I’m not an owl and can’t turn my head all the way around. I’ve caught glimpses in mirrors. I don’t see anything to write home about.” I mean, I didn’t think my body was disgusting, but I didn’t think it was the bomb either. Just . . . in between. I had parts I liked and parts I hated and I tried most of the time not to focus too much on the latter. I was old enough now that I knew that thinking too much about those perceived flaws was a waste of fucking time and wasn’t going to make your knees not do that weird thing when you ran.
“Your body is beautiful. Don’t ever doubt that. Haven’t I told you you’re beautiful a dozen times before?” I clutched the towel tighter.
“Yes, but it wasn’t in this context.”
“What context is that?”
“Naked context.” She laughed.
“Just drop the towel and let me watch.” I rolled my eyes and sighed with as much drama as I could.
“Fine, fine.” I pulled off the towel and dropped it on the floor.
“Did I mention that I sleep naked?” I asked, before I pivoted on my toes and walked back to my bedroom.
“Wait, what?” Emma said, stumbling after me. It was a testament to how shocked she was because she went right by the towel I’d so carelessly flung on the floor without picking it up.
“Yeah, I’ve been not sleeping naked because I didn’t want to go through a whole production when I went to the bathroom, but yeah. I prefer it. See, there are still some things you don’t know about me.” Very few, but I’d told her about two more of them tonight, so I was running low on secrets at the moment. I needed to get some more so Emma wouldn’t know every single fucking thing about me.
“Are you going to sleep naked tonight?” she asked, while we both stood in my bedroom. Me, naked, her, not naked.