Page 66 of Didn't Stay in Vegas
“Oh, yeah. We blew past that pretty quick.” Really quick. I don’t remember who got naked first, but it happened and here we were.
“Any regrets?” she asked, turning toward me.
“Nope,” I said. “Not even a little bit.”
“Good. Same.” She put her hand up and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, so I gave her a high five. She giggled and then reached for my hand again, twisting our fingers together.
“There,” she said with satisfaction. “Now all is right with the world.”
Igot through my lastday at the awful job, and said goodbye to Linda, Jessika, Maggie, and the rest of the people that I actually liked. I didn’t bother with the ones that I couldn’t stand and was grateful to never see again. Time to cross that bridge and burn the shit out of it.
On Saturday, Reece came over to watch Vegas and said she’d start work on some basic obedience while we were gone. She also was going to take him to the park, so he was one spoiled boy.
Brunch was at a pub, which was cozy and delicious. The second Emma and I walked in (we were the last to show up), everyone stared at us.
“How are you doing?” Nova asked, in a weird voice. Lara’s gaze was bouncing from me to Emma and back, Willa was grinning, and Sammi looked like she wanted to scream in excitement.
“Okay, you all can calm the fuck down,” I said. “This is not a big deal.”
“Yes it is!” Sammi yelled, grabbing me up in a hug. Emma and I had decided to play things cool, but I guess the news was written all over us.
“Tell us everything,” Willa said, as we sat down at a table together.
“You want to take this one?” I asked, looking at Emma, who was blushing and smiling and shaking her head at our friends.
“No, you’ve got this,” she said. “The floor is yours.” Of course it was.
“Okay, then I’m telling them what’s going on.” She gestured in a “go ahead” motion.
So I told them. I told them that we had kissed and had sex and that I was working on my shit and figuring it out. I didn’t give them graphic details, but they still got the gist as we dined on eggs fried in tons of butter and fresh-baked biscuits and thick sausages.
“So that’s the gist of it. I will not be taking questions or comments at this time.” I looked over at Emma, who was grinning again.