Page 10 of Out of the Darkness
He should have grabbed a thick coat instead.
“I’m hungry,” she announced.
So was he. Painfully hungry, and in a way that surprised him. He hadn’t had such a ferocious need to mate in a very long time. Fucking was lazy, women were easily available but he never felt the feral, desperate mating need so many of his people had.
Until now.
“I’ll fix us some breakfast,” Duncan said.
Her eyes widened. “You cook?”
Duncan grinned. “Of course. I have to eat, lass. I come from a family of thirteen brothers. If I wanted to eat and my mother wasn’t fixing anything at the time, I had to learn to cook. We all did.”
“Well surprise, surprise.” She shot a look at Adrian. “And what are you good at?”
Adrian let his lips curl ever so slightly upward but didn’t respond. She snorted and quickly turned away.
Oh yeah. She knew what he meant. Let her think on that one for a bit. The sooner he fucked her, the sooner he’d get her out of his life so he could get back to his real job.
“Do you two work together?” she asked.
Duncan kept his back to her while he cooked. Adrian set the table and Harlee sat her ass down in one of the chairs like a queen waiting to be served. He slid into a chair next to her.
“In a way, yes,” Duncan said. “I’m head of lycan security. Adrian does the same for the vampires. We frequently cross paths, especially when there’s a meeting between the two clans or issues with the humans.”
Duncan set a cup of steaming coffee in front of Harlee. She piled on the cream and sugar until it looked more like milk than coffee. “What kind of meetings? And thank you for the coffee. I’m a real bitch without it.”
“So that explains it,” Adrian said.
“Funny,” she replied. “Tell me about your meetings.”
“The meetings are none of your business,” Adrian said. Robert said to explain “things” to her. Since he wasn’t specific about which things to explain, Adrian decided to treat her like any other outsider. She’d only get the information he decided to give her.
Hell, for all he knew she’d want to go running to her human government and turn them in. Damn Robert for putting them in this precarious situation. She might be kin, but it hadn’t yet been determined if she could be trusted. Blind faith could get them all killed.
“I thought I was part of the higher-ups in your world,” she sniffed. “Shouldn’t I be told everything?”
“Babe, you aren’t shit right now, so you might as well lose the delusions of grandeur.” She was probably an ex-cheerleader or prom queen, totally spoiled by her adoptive parents into thinking she was entitled to whatever she wanted.
“I have no delusions. I’m just trying to figure out where I am in the family tree of both clans.” Her brows knit in a tight frown. “Thanks for being so welcoming. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”
Duncan snorted at her sarcasm.
If she thought to shame him, she was working on the wrong guy. “I’m here to protect you, not become your best pal. And if you’re looking for a tour guide around the hierarchy, you’ll have to find someone else. That’s not my job.”
“Is he always this friendly?” she asked Duncan as he served their breakfast.
“Usually,” Duncan replied with a wink.
They ate in silence. Obviously being kidnapped and having her life turned upside down hadn’t affected Harlee’s appetite. She wolfed down her plate of food like she hadn’t eaten in a week. Three cups of coffee and two helpings later, she pushed back from the table with a satisfied sigh.
“Lass, where do you put all that food?” Duncan asked. “Your body is thin as a rail. I was expecting you to pick.”
“Nervous energy,” she replied, standing and taking her plate to the sink. “And I run and lift weights. I burn a lot of it off.”
Adrian wondered what other outlets she had for her nervous energy. He had a few ideas on that but doubted she’d be interested in hearing them. Then again, he’d find out soon enough.
The idea of sinking his cock into her hot pussy wasn’t at all unpleasant. Her scent already made him hard. Her sensuality, though she tried to hide it, was obvious. She’d be a wildcat in bed. That part of the job wouldn’t be a hardship at all.
When she cleared off the table and washed all the dishes, he had to admit he might have had her pegged wrong. Or at least the part about her being a princess who expected to be waited on.
The rest of her he’d have to withhold judgment on. But he’d be watching Harlee very closely. Despite her uncanny resemblance to Amelia, he still didn’t trust her. After all, she’d been raised as a human, and though most humans weren’t even aware of their existence, the government would be very interested in any human claiming to have seen the headquarters of the lycan and vampire clan. Of course they’d eliminate the witness immediately, but the end result would be the same.
She could bring an end to all of them with one phone call.
And no matter who she was, he’d never allow that to happen.