Page 23 of Out of the Darkness
Harlee sat quietly at the breakfast table, afraid to even look up from her plate. If she did, she knew she’d turn a bright crimson having to face Duncan, Adrian and Annmarie.
She’d lain awake nearly the entire night, tossing and turning and unable to sleep despite the blistering orgasm Adrian had given her. That was one of the reasons she couldn’t sleep. How could she have allowed herself to let go like that? It had to be some kind of mind trick, a drug or something that made her act the way she had, because it certainly wasn’t her typical behavior to allow a guy to slip his fingers inside her pussy and take her over the edge in the middle of a dance club. Her own body betrayed her, and these mixed-up desires and emotions she felt weren’t her own feelings, but something they’d implanted in her.
What else could possibly explain her complete turnaround in personality?
“You’re quiet this morning, Harl. Is something wrong?”
She did a quick lookup from her plate, smiled at Annmarie and said, “No, I’m fine. Just concentrating on my food.” Then she looked down again.
“You haven’t touched it,” Adrian said.
She refused to look at him. Already the heat singed her cheeks and neck, embarrassment flooding her skin with a rush of warmth. “I’m not hungry.”
“Lass, look up,” Duncan coaxed, his voice soothing and gentle.
With a deep sigh, she lifted her head to find three pairs of eyes focused on her. This was worse than she could have imagined. What must they think of her?
“What’s wrong?” Duncan asked.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Well, hell, woman,” Adrian said. “I made you come so hard you were screaming. If that didn’t relax you enough to sleep, I don’t know what would.”
Oh God, did they always talk so matter-of-factly about sex?
“I slept like the dead last night,” Annmarie quipped, shooting a wink at Duncan. Duncan replied with a nod and a half smile that kicked the heat in the room up another ten degrees.
She was going to simply sit there and self-combust.
“Are you embarrassed about what happened last night?” Adrian asked.
“No!” she shouted, then winced as she realized the denial only confirmed his statement.
“Honey, we told you that we’re pretty frisky and out there with sex,” Annmarie explained. “It’s really no big deal.”
“It is to me. Sex means something to me. I don’t take it lightly and I don’t…do what I did last night.”
“You’re changing,” Adrian said. “The vampire blood within you is calling to your sex drive.”
“And the lycan blood within her,” Duncan countered.
“True,” Annmarie added. “The combination is pretty heady. Add the two together and it’s no wonder it hit you so hard and so fast.”
Or maybe they were controlling her and making her act this way. Just being in the same room with Duncan and Adrian this morning made her body fire up hot and ready. Her panties were wet and it was only eight-thirty in the morning. She was hot, aroused and primed for sex. Over breakfast. Geez, there was definitely something wrong with her. She had to get away from these two men, away from this environment that created havoc inside her mind.
“You’ll get used to it, honey,” Annmarie assured her, flipping her long hair behind her with the sweep of her hand. “After awhile you won’t think twice about having sex or watching it. Sometimes things get crazy here and you could see sex on the stairwells or in the kitchen. When we want it, we go after it no matter where it is.”
“Speak for yourself, cousin,” Adrian said, glaring at her. “Not all of us fuck like rabbits in public. Some of us are more discreet.”
Annmarie snorted.
“Oh I beg to differ, Adrian. I think I know as well as anyone that your statement isn’t true.”
Harlee’s gaze shot to the doorway. Sara entered, her eyes focused only on Adrian. Dressed elegantly in cream slacks and a sapphire blue blouse that highlighted her ample breasts, her golden hair piled high on top of her head, she looked like a regal princess. As she passed behind his chair, she lightly trailed her fingers over his shoulders before slipping into the seat next to his.
Okay, so Adrian had a past with Sara. Or maybe he had a present with Sara. Why did that thought make her heart hurt? So vampires were sluts. Harlee certainly didn’t have a claim on Adrian, despite what happened between them last night.