Page 25 of Out of the Darkness
“As is the Baine family name,” Adrian added.
Now it made sense. Funny how she’d never thought to ask about the surnames. “So Adrian is a Baine?”
He nodded.
“And Duncan is a…”
“Pain in the ass,” Adrian teased.
“Funny,” Duncan replied. “No, my family lives in Scotland. My last name is Kennard.”
“What are you doing over here?” she asked.
“Been over here for quite some time, lass,” he said. “So long about all I have left of my roots is a little of my brogue. Though occasionally a few Gaelic words slip out.”
“So what would make more of them slip out?” she teased, wondering if she’d be able to hear him speak Gaelic to her. Such a romantic language.
“Sex,” he replied.
Adrian coughed. Duncan laughed. Harlee shook her head.
“Okay. I’d probably pick more up if surrounded by my kinfolk. I always do when I visit home.”
“Do you miss your family?”
“Sometimes. But you’ll find among the lycans, and the vampires too, that we’re all kin of some form or another.”
So if she really was a part of both clans, she would be a mix of Leveaux and Baine. Interesting. “So you all didn’t originate here?”
“Most of us are nomads,” Duncan said, slipping the keys from the ignition and exiting the car. As they walked up the front stairs onto the enormous porch, he added, “Both lycans and vampires have moved out of necessity.”
“True,” Adrian said. “Between our bloody history and the human governments determined to exterminate us, we’ve constantly had to put down new roots. That means we’re all over the world now.”
She had so many questions, so much information and history she wanted to ask about both clans, but at that moment the front door opened and another stern, gigantic bodyguard blocked the doorway. He nodded when he saw Duncan and stepped away from the door.
Very similar to the Dark Moonholdings, the lycan home was enormous. Old world and gothic with incredibly expensive artwork decorating the walls and ancient tapestries hung throughout the downstairs. Duncan took her on a quick tour and Harlee was confused, passing by more hallways and staircases than she could ever remember. If she had to wander around this place alone, she’d be lost for sure.
They stopped in one room that had two sofas next to a fireplace. Very cozy and intimate, a few end tables and comfortable chairs were scattered about. She could see herself tucked in here on a snowy night, curled up next to a roaring fire while she read a book and drank a cup of tea.
Whoa. Where had that come from? She wasn’t staying here, this wasn’t her home and despite its warmth and comfort, she was so far out of her element it wasn’t even funny. Instead of admiring the décor, she should be looking for a way out. What kind of an agent was she?
Not a very good one, apparently.
A tall, thin woman brought in a tray filled with coffee and tea, setting it onto the coffee table in front of them, then slipped out without a word. Soon after two of the big burly types walked in, followed by an older gentleman. Broad and muscular, with a full head of white hair and a very wide smile, he hurried over to Harlee and grasped both her hands in his.
“My niece, daughter of my brother, welcome to the Leveaux clan. I am Lester, brother of Stefan.” Then he leaned in and kissed both her cheeks.
Harlee liked him immediately. There was a warmth to him that made her feel instantly comfortable. “It’s nice to meet you, Lester.”
“Sit down. I want to know about you.”
She sat on the sofa and he sat next to her, still holding onto her hands. “I’m sorry about your brother.” She couldn’t bring herself to call Stefan her father, because he hadn’t been her father. Yet when his eyes clouded over with dark sadness, she couldn’t help but feel his despair.
“I loved my brother very much,” Lester said. “His death came as a huge shock to all of us. There is much fear and concern here, as I’m certain there is in the vampire clan.”
Lester looked to Adrian and nodded. “Is Robert faring well?”
“He’s fine. Still trying to get to the bottom of what happened,” Adrian said.