Page 28 of Out of the Darkness
After having lunch and more discussions about her background, they left to head back to Dark Moon. The sun had just begun its trek toward the horizon, the late dusky afternoon giving way to early darkness.
Harlee was determined to start focusing. Enough of these ridiculous notions that she could possibly be the daughter of Stefan and Amelia. The fantasy was over. Duncan and Adrian were slowly moving in on her and weakening her defenses. If she was going to escape with her life and the information on the lycans and vampires, she had to do it soon.
Maybe a diversion while they were driving. Getting out in public would be the best place to make a run for it. At Dark Moon, she was just as closely watched as she had been at the lycan mansion. It was now or never. She casually looked out the window of the SUV, trying to figure out where the hell they were. The windows were tinted so dark she could barely make out streets and road signs. Just like on the way over, none of the landmarks looked familiar. It was as if she’d been taken to some strange city she’d never been to before, some place in another realm.
It made no sense.
And the dark SUV didn’t help. No doubt they had to keep the windows darker than normal in order to protect Adrian, yet there was no sunlight today. Instead, a soft mist fell and the sky was overcast, threatening a deluge of storms.
None of the landmarks looked familiar. They’d obviously taken her out of the city the first night in the helicopter, but for the life of her nothing they passed seemed familiar. They had flown for a while, but not long enough to leave the state, or at least she hadn’t thought so. Now she wasn’t so sure.
Lost or not, there had to be humans milling about, and if she could get out of the car and make a run for it, she could find help and shelter. Duncan and Adrian wouldn’t dream of revealing themselves to humans.
“Duncan, this is your territory and I’ve only been here a few times, but I don’t remember ever seeing any other cars on this route,” Adrian said.
“It’s pretty secluded out here,” Duncan replied. “Usually anyone coming this far out is lost or taking a scenic drive. You hardly ever see any traffic this far out. Why?”
“Just after we crossed that intersection, two cars came out and they’re closing on us fast. If you weren’t so busy ogling Harlee in the rear-view mirror, you might notice what’s happening on the road.”
“Screw you.”
Harlee whipped her head in the direction of Adrian’s thumb. Two black SUVs were rapidly gaining on them. They looked like government vehicles. Blacked-out windows, nondescript license tags. But how would they know where to find her?
“I see them,” Duncan said, adjusting the rear-view mirror. “Probably nothing, but let’s keep an eye on them.”
“I don’t like it,” Adrian said. “Something doesn’t feel right about this.”
“Then let’s call for backup just in case something’s up.”
“Give Harlee your phone and have her call your headquarters while I alert Dark Moon.”
Duncan passed his cell phone back to Harlee and gave her quick instructions to speed dial the lycan mansion. “Tell them who you are and let them know I said to get some men ready if we need them.”
“If you want me to give location details, somebody better tell me where the hell we are,” she said.
“Just tell them we’re about twenty miles south of the main road. They’ll know where,” Duncan replied.
Harlee made the call while scooting sideways in her seat so she could keep an eye on the SUVs. They had settled into position about fifty yards behind and didn’t seem to be making any attempt to close the gap. That alone made her suspicious. Plus the fact there were no other cars on this deserted stretch of road and her heart began to race.
If it was her government, what was their intent? Had they found out about the lycan mansion and followed Duncan when he pulled away?
“I’ve got Dark Moon on alert,” Adrian said.
“Good. I’ve got a really bad feeling about this. We may need all the help we can get.”
“Then let’s get them started this way,” Adrian suggested.
“Not a bad…”
Duncan was interrupted by what sounded like a loud pop in the back of the car.
“That was gunfire!” Harlee shouted.
Duncan swerved and hit the gas, but the two SUVs crept closer, the bright flash of weapons fire causing her to shrink down into the seat. She closed her eyes and waited for the rear window to break.
“This car is armored and the glass is bulletproof, lass,” Duncan said, his concentration straight ahead as he maneuvered the winding road at breakneck speed. “They’re gonna need more powerful weapons than that to do any damage.”