Page 37 of Out of the Darkness
“I’m not in the mood for this, Adrian. Honestly, I’m tired and I’d really love some privacy.”
“Seems to me you didn’t need privacy last night at the club. No privacy there when I made you come. I don’t think you’re at all modest, so cut the act.”
Her face flamed but she refused to take the bait. “Have it your way then.” She untied the halter and let it fall to her waist, then slid it and the skirt off and turned on the shower, refusing to even turn around and look at Adrian. Let him look, or glare, or whatever he wanted to do. She stepped into the shower without a backward glance, keeping her eyes closed as she washed her hair and rinsed it, then scrubbed her body from head to toe. When she opened her eyes, she could see his dark outline, still sitting on the edge of the tub.
Something about him watching her was exciting, even though she knew all he could see was her shadowy form. As she rinsed her body, running her hands over her bare skin, every nerve ending stood on edge, screaming for her touch, especially the ones connected to her nipples and her clit. If she touched herself, would he enjoy watching? Would he join her?
Did she want him to?
Hell yes she wanted him to. Her pussy was throbbing in anticipation, the need to feel his cock inside her stronger than any urge she’d ever felt. Her breasts tingled and she could already envision him stepping naked into the shower and covering her body with his hands and mouth. How it would feel, how he would taste when he kissed her. She moved her fingers between her legs, caressing the tight knot of nerve endings, letting the moan escape freely and hoping like hell she wasn’t making a supreme ass of herself.
Adrian watched the movements through the frosted shower door. He could only see Harlee’s shadow, but he knew damn well what she was doing. Christ, was she trying to kill him? His cock tightened and engorged quickly as desire spread through him like unchecked wildfire. How easy it would be to strip and step in there with her, taking what she so clearly wanted him to take. He palmed his cock through his jeans, watching the sultry movements of Harlee’s body as she turned her back to him and swayed her hips in a seductive dance.
The pulse of his cock pounded against his hand. He reached for the top button of his jeans and popped it open, then grabbed the zipper.
“Go for it, cousin.”
He whipped around to find Annmarie standing in the doorway, a huge grin on her face. Turning to Harlee, he realized she had her head under the water and didn’t hear Annmarie come in.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Just popping in to see Harlee, but if you’re going to have a little action I’ll wait ‘til later.”
Christ, couldn’t a guy get a break around here? “You watch her for awhile. I’m tired of playing babysitter.”
“You sure about this? I don’t think babysitting is what you had in mind just now.”
“Fuck off, Annmarie,” he said, brushing past her and heading toward the bedroom door. He needed to get the fuck out of there and clear his head. The last thing he needed right now was to fuck a woman who pissed him off so badly he forgot what she’d done earlier today. And with whom.
“Love you too, Cuz,” she laughed after him.
Harlee was tired of waiting for Adrian to make the first move and get his ass in the shower with her. She was waterlogged and damned near deaf from the water splashing over her. It was time to shut off the water and throw open the door, come out stark naked and see what happened after that. Her body was pulsing and ready and by God she needed him. After wringing out her hair, she took a courage-inducing breath and pushed the door open.
Her jaw dropped when she saw Annmarie sitting on the tub where Adrian had been. She blinked, unable to speak.
“Not quite who you were expecting, honey?” Annmarie said, a quirk to her lips.
“You surprised me.”
Annmarie handed her a towel. “Yeah well, so did my cousin when I stepped in here and found him just about to drop trou. Sorry ‘bout that.”
So, he was thinking about joining her and just suffered an interruption. Well damn. Still, she smiled. Was it possible to be happy and frustrated as hell at the same time? “No problem.” She finished drying off and slipped on a long T-shirt. Annmarie followed her into the bedroom and they both flopped on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t understand him.”
Annmarie snorted. “He’s a man. Of course you don’t.”
“He seemed really pissed off at me tonight, but I can’t figure out why.”
“Did you two argue about something when you were at the lycan mansion earlier?”
A cold shadow passed over Harlee. “The lycan mansion? Adrian wasn’t there.”
“Sure he was. He and Sara took a drive out there. Sara had to meet with Lester, and Adrian went to check up on Duncan and pick you up. You didn’t see him?”
Oh, God. That’s it. No, she didn’t see him, but she’d bet anything he saw her. With Duncan.
“No. I…didn’t see him.”
“Hmmm, were you too…busy?” Annmarie said with a cocky grin.