Page 40 of Out of the Darkness
Adrian paced the hallway, his keen sense of hearing picking up the sound of Harlee’s breathing.
Typically any instruction Annmarie gave him would be ignored, but her tone when she told him to stay the hell away from Harlee tonight rang of genuine concern. And Annmarie was usually never concerned about anyone but Annmarie.
So what was wrong with Harlee? Was she sick? Upset? Pissed off?
And why the fuck did he care? Christ, the woman made him crazy. Why couldn’t he just do what he needed to do with her and leave it at that? Why did he even care if she screwed Duncan? He could have joined them, gotten off and fulfilled his obligation at the same time. But no, he had to act like some moronic jealous lover and storm off.
Now his cock was still hard, his balls were tied up in knots and his frustration had reached the boiling point. The problem was, he didn’t know if he was more upset at Harlee or at himself for feeling this way. And frankly, he was tired of these pent-up frustrations. Harlee’d all but offered herself to him earlier with her sexy shower dance, but Annmarie’s typical lousy timing had stopped him.
Tension and frustration had mounted for the past few days. First this mess with Stefan’s death, then having to rush over and kidnap Harlee, then being told he had to fuck her, then wanting to fuck her, then the attack… Christ, what a mess. Maybe if he took out his frustrations on Harlee, this constant driving need that seemed to be directed at her would go away.
Pausing in front of her door, he made his decision. Reaching out, he turned the knob on the door handle and stepped in, expecting to find the room in darkness and Harlee sound asleep. But as soon as he opened the door, the room filled with light. Harlee sat up in bed and looked at him, an expression of wary expectancy on her face.
“Thought you were asleep,” he said, closing the door behind him.
She looked down at her hands. “I can’t sleep.”
“Why not?”
“Don’t know. Too much going through my mind, I guess.”
He knew the feeling. There was a reason he was pacing outside her room in the middle of the night instead of putting a guard at her door and getting some sleep himself. He approached the bed. “What’s on your mind?”
She looked up and watched him. “Things.”
“What kind of things?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Talk wasn’t what was on his mind either. He stopped next to the side of the bed, inhaling her scent. God, she smelled sweet. The perfume of her blood was an aphrodisiac, compelling him to dive into her neck and puncture the artery there, then drink from her until he came, hard. He wanted to change her, to bring out the beast within her.
He wanted her to be vampire. It had suddenly become important and he knew exactly why.
“Did you enjoy Duncan today?” he asked, refusing to allow himself to sit on the bed next to her. As badly as he wanted her, he was too angry, too unsettled to let himself touch her yet.
Her eyes widened for a second. “You watched us, didn’t you?”
Her cheeks flamed pink but she didn’t look away. “I don’t know what to say. I feel like I should apologize for that, but why the hell should I? You and I don’t have anything together.”
“I didn’t ask you to apologize.” Though he was pleased she’d even thought about it. It meant…well, what did it mean? God, he felt like a kid with his first crush. This was ridiculous. “I shouldn’t have come in. Good night.”
“Hey! Wait a minute,” she said, scrambling out from underneath the covers and following him toward the door. He stopped and turned to watch her progress, his gaze straying to her long legs visible underneath the T-shirt. Her nipples were hard, outlined like pebbles against the thin cotton. “What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? First you come in here like you want to talk, like you want to…”
“Fuck?” he finished for her.
“Well, yeah. But now you’re leaving?”
“Yes. I’m leaving.”
“Goddamit, Adrian! Quit screwing with my head!”
She had a lot of nerve talking about screwing with someone’s head. “Oh, right. Like you haven’t been playing a little game of your own with Duncan and me?”
Her eyes went dark and she shook a finger at him. “I have done no such thing and you know it. It’s the two of you who’ve been pressuring me to play this three-way game of fuck-and-tell, so don’t even try to play innocent. And why do you even care what I do with Duncan? You don’t have any feelings for me!”