Page 45 of Out of the Darkness
“Are you certain of that?” Robert walked past the two men and pressed a kiss to Harlee’s forehead. She smiled up at him.
“Hell, I’m not certain of anything anymore,” Adrian mumbled. “I’ll look into it today.”
“No, you will not. I’m concerned about Harlee. I want her removed from the mansion and taken to a neutral, safe territory until we determine who was behind Stefan’s murder and the attack yesterday. We don’t know if it was lycan, vampire or human. The only people I trust are the two of you and the immediate family, and there are too many others here or at the lycan mansion that we cannot be certain of.”
“Where do you suggest?” Duncan asked.
“The cabin. No one outside the family knows about it. You’ll be safe there.”
“What’s the cabin?” Harlee asked, wondering why they had to change locations.
“It’s like a fortress,” Robert said. “High on top of a mountain, views from all four sides, very remote. Impenetrable and highly secure. You’ll be safe there with Duncan and Adrian.”
Would she be safe? Or would she be prey? And was she concerned about that, or excited?
She wasn’t sure.
“I’ll shower and pack a few things,” she said, turning away from the two men staring so intently at her.
The cabin was amazing. They’d helicoptered in, landing high on top of a snow-capped mountain peak. The air was cold, the skies crystal clear. The facility was more like a one-story mansion, with floor to ceiling windows surrounding the entire structure. Bulletproof, Adrian assured her. At the bottom of the steep slope was an electrified fence and a gated guard shack. No one was getting up here without a fight.
She felt completely safe and totally isolated.
The refrigerator was well-stocked and Adrian was outside gathering wood for the stone fireplace while Duncan opened a bottle of wine. The sun was setting in a blazing display of orange as it drifted behind a giant white cloud. She felt like an angel sitting on top of the heavens being catered to by a couple sexy satyrs. Not a bad way for a girl to spend an evening.
Steaks were cooking on the indoor grill, the sizzling sounds and incredible smell tantalizing her. She sat back on the couch and tucked her bare feet under her, surveying the dark-paneled living room.
A thick rug had been placed in front of the fireplace like one of those scenes she’d seen in an old movie. She could already picture herself sipping a glass of champagne in front of a roaring fire while lying naked on that plush, furry rug. A winding staircase led to an open bedroom that overlooked the living room. The kitchen was expansive with shiny chrome appliances and enough food to last at least a week. She kind of liked the idea of getting snowbound here with these two.
Funny how her life had changed in such a short period. She still didn’t know what had caused the abrupt change in her perception of lycans and vampires, but instinct told her these people were not the savage killers the government had led her to believe. There were still so many things she didn’t understand about all this, she had to take it all one step at a time, and first was finding out if she really was who and what Robert said she was.
And that meant she had to have sex with Adrian and Duncan. She’d like to think she was merely resigned to the inevitable, but frankly she was damned excited about the prospect, which was strange as hell considering she just realized she was in love with Adrian. How could she love one man but want to have sex with another?
She’d become a slut.
How fun!
“What are you smiling about?” Adrian asked, kicking the door closed with his foot.
She looked up at him and grinned. “Oh, nothing.”
“You have something evil on your mind.”
He had no idea. She felt so restless and edgy, as if something monumental was about to happen. Adrian started a fire and Harlee helped Duncan prepare dinner. They sat and ate, the room so quiet she could hear them chewing. She wondered if they were thinking the same thing she was, though she couldn’t tell by their appetites. They ate voraciously, while she could barely eat a bite, especially with them watching her like beasts awaiting feeding time.
After dinner, she curled up on the couch and stared into the fire, watching the flames lick higher and higher with each log Adrian fed into the fireplace. The room warmed, her body heating so much she slipped off her shoes and sweater.
And still, the room was quiet. When she turned away from the fire, she realized they both still stared at her, Adrian from his spot on the hearth and Duncan from the chair next to the couch.
“What?” she asked.
Adrian arched a brow. “What?”
“That’s what I said. You’re both staring at me as if you expect me to transform right in front of you.”
“That won’t happen. We have to fuck you first. Together.”
Leave it to Adrian to be so brutally honest. “I realize that. I think. I don’t know. How is it supposed to happen? I suppose we should start with the details.”