Page 5 of Out of the Darkness
“And that’s all we can tell you until Robert gets here,” Adrian said.
Eyes narrowed, his expression hard and unyielding, Adrian obviously wasn’t at all happy to be her babysitter right now.
She couldn’t care less what he thought. “Let me go.”
Adrian snorted. Duncan’s lips curled into a half smile and they both crossed their arms over their chests, a silent “no fucking way” in response to her request.
Any other time she’d notice how tall they both were, how big, how…damned sexy and fucking hot they were. Okay, so she did notice it. She supposed even kidnappers could be good looking.
But were these two vampires? Or lycans? She’d met others. It was her job to psychoanalyze them, to use the government drugs on them in an effort to learn the whereabouts of their headquarters. But human drugs didn’t work on lycans or vampires. Though she had medicated enough of them to get some really interesting insights into their physiology.
The main thing she’d learned over the past years about vampires and lycans was their inherent sensuality, their love of all things related to sex. Ruled by passion and desire, they fed on it, used it as part of their survival. They saw beauty and sensuality in everything, from art to literature to people. Things that the average human ignored, vampires and lycans found mesmerizing. Their senses were keen while the humans around them tuned out sights, sounds and scents.
Maybe that’s why she’d always been fascinated by them, why she’d dreamed of them since her childhood, before she ever knew they existed.
The woman in her couldn’t help but acknowledge that they were two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever laid eyes on. Testosterone filled the room, making it seem suddenly smaller and warmer. The really tall one had very broad shoulders and large…everything. Big hands, tree trunk legs and shaggy brown hair. His blue eyes appeared kind, though obviously they didn’t fit his personality since he’d just abducted her.
Then she turned her attention on the other one. A couple inches shorter than the first, though still more than half a foot taller than her, he was leaner and definitely more mature. The silver intertwined with the black in his hair made him look wild and sexy and…what? Experienced, she supposed was the appropriate word. His dark brown eyes studied her like she was some unusual zoo exhibit.
“Sit down and relax,” Adrian said, inclining his head toward the sofa.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t remember a fucking invitation to tea,” she sneered, her fists clenching in the blanket wrapped around her. “I need to get out of here.”
They approached her slowly, cautiously, their bodies tense and expectant. She resisted the urge to back away. The last thing she’d show them was the fear threatening to turn her legs to jelly.
They both dressed in black. Leather. God, under normal circumstances a vision like that would make her mouth water. She forced a measure of strength to her voice. “Answers would be really nice as a start.”
“How about a drink?” Duncan stepped to a bar across the room and poured a glass of water from a pitcher, handing it to her. She cupped the glass and drank greedily, trying to wash away the cotton in her mouth. Once she’d drained the glass, she cupped it tight in her hand, realizing that it could be used as a weapon if needed.
“Why am I here?”
“Everything will be explained to you once Robert gets here,” Adrian answered in a cool tone.
His voice made her shiver, and not just from fear. Maybe it was the combination of pure sexuality dripping from his voice along with his penetrating eyes. She felt the husky tones vibrating in her pussy. It annoyed her that she could have such a physical reaction to a kidnapper who was either a vampire or lycan. She shook off the mesmerizing quality of his gaze and pulled the blanket tighter around herself. “Whatever it is you think you’ll get from me, you’re wrong. You might as well let me go.”
“Not possible, lass,” Duncan said.
There it was again. That hint of Scottish brogue she’d heard when he’d spoken in her bedroom.
“You’re not safe there anymore.”
Safe? What the hell was he talking about? “I was doing just fine until the two of you kidnapped me.”
“We had our reasons,” Adrian said.
Right. Like they could come up with any reasonable explanation for jerking her from her bed in the middle of the night, scaring her out of at least ten years of her life. She still couldn’t fathom them knowing who she was. Deciding to play dumb, she said, “Then I’d sure as hell like to know what those reasons are. I’m nobody. I’m not important or a public figure. I have no money. I’m a psychiatrist and have nothing of value to offer. Why would you kidnap me?”
“More like a rescue, actually,” Duncan said with a hint of a smile. Adrian followed up with a slight smirk.
Rescue? Now that made no sense at all. Her jaw clenched in anger. “I’m glad you both find this so amusing, but I don’t know who you are, I don’t understand why I’m here and I have absolutely no interest in hanging around to meet this Robert person.”
The sound of pounding footsteps caused her to flinch, the awareness that the sound couldn’t be caused by one person sending her heart racing. The more people who surrounded her, the less chance she’d have of escaping. She backed against the couch, bracing herself to bolt, gripping the glass tighter even though she knew it was useless as protection.
A half dozen men dressed in the same black combat gear as the goons at the door appeared at the foyer entrance, flanking either side of the wide doorway. Their dark eyes locked on her, suspicious gazes filling her with dread as she stared back in shock. Moving between them, a very tall, thin male entered the room. Long red hair flowed around the stark, savage features of his face as the floor-length black silk and brocade robe covered his body. He swept into the room with an air of authority and ownership, his gaze riveted on hers.
Adrian and Duncan bowed their heads and he nodded at them briefly before turning his attention back to her. His eyes widened for a second before his lips quirked in an amused smile. He turned to the men who’d come in before them and said, “Wait outside.”
Tension filled the air before they turned and left, retreating like ghosts in the night to no doubt fill the nooks and crannies of this haunted castle with their scary blackened faces and battle gear.