Page 52 of Out of the Darkness
She did then cried out as he eased past the barrier and sheathed his cock in her ass.
She screamed and he was in her, pumping her, fucking her ass. God, it burned. She was on fire, her blood incinerating, her heart pumping so hard she knew she was going to explode.
A loud scream rent the air around them and she knew it was hers, a wailing cry she could not stop, nor could she stop the slamming orgasm that careened through her body. She was filled, utterly filled and transformed, no longer human, every organ and every part of her something new.
And these two men were part of her now, pumping her with their blood, their cum, their energy. Adrian leaned over her, driving his cock deep, filling her, tearing at her tight tissues as he drove harder, impaling her onto Duncan’s shaft until she became one with them.
She was transformed now.
“I’m coming! Oh, God, I’m coming!” Again her climax crashed through her and she couldn’t prevent it from taking control of her again. Her muscles squeezed pleasure from her, so exquisite it was painful. She bucked forward and back, and she didn’t want to stop the sensations, only wanted to die from the pleasure of it as long as it kept on. And it did, until Adrian pulled out and away from her, releasing some of the intensity and she could breathe again. She collapsed against Duncan, feeling the rapid thrumming of his heart hammering against her palms, and didn’t want to move.
But Adrian lifted her, despite her protests, carrying her upstairs and into the bathroom. He propped her up against the shower and turned it on, stepping in there with her and washing her body. She was too tired to move, just let him do everything, watching him soap her, rinse her, wash away the evidence of the men who had loved her, who had changed her.
“I really am different,” she said, wonder invigorating her, inspiring her. Part of her had not believed it to be true.
“Yeah, you are. But we still don’t know what part of you is dominant. That didn’t come out yet.”
She tilted her head. “So what does that mean?”
He shrugged. “Nothing.” Reaching behind him, he shut the water off. “You’re tired, let’s get you dried off and into bed.”
After she dried off, she walked into the bedroom. Duncan was there, freshly showered, no doubt from one of the other bathrooms. She looked to both men, realizing what she had to do.
“No, Harlee. You need to rest,” Adrian warned.
“I have to know. We’ll make it quick.”
Duncan laughed. “As if that were possible.”
“Make it hard. We can do this.”
“No,” Adrian insisted, but his cock was already lengthening.
She glared at him, at his shaft. “You want me again.”
“Darlin’, you’ll be sore,” Duncan said.
“Bullshit.” She stepped to the oversized bed and threw back the cover, sliding underneath the cool sheets. “Fuck me. Both of you.”