Page 57 of Out of the Darkness
William was only slightly injured, the silver bullet grazing his ribs, but not penetrating. Already closing, the wound had left him weak, but fortunately not enough silver had penetrated his bloodstream to kill him. He was resting but would recover.
Duncan sat in the lycan offices with Lester, more irritated than worried. Things just didn’t add up.
Why hadn’t an attempt been made on Lester’s life? Why William instead?
Unless Lester wasn’t made a target because Lester was involved in planning the systematic assassinations. And maybe William wasn’t dead because Lester didn’t have the guts to go through with it and kill his own son but wanted to take the suspicion off himself by making the attempt on William’s life.
Lester sat behind his desk, looking pale, grief-stricken and anxious.
“I really would like to return to my son’s bedside if you don’t mind, Duncan,” Lester said, tapping his fingers on the desktop.
“In a minute,” Duncan said, trying to get his thoughts straight. “Tell me again where you were when William was attacked.”
“Right here in my study, as I told you earlier.”
“And who else was here?”
“No one.”
“How convenient.”
Lester’s eyes narrowed. “Just what are you implying, Duncan? That I would harm my own son? For what possible purpose?”
“You tell me.” None of this made sense, but the options were narrowing and Duncan couldn’t rely on what made sense any longer. He had to look at all the possible suspects. With Robert and William and Harlee out of the picture, Lester would control all of the holdings of Dark Moon. He didn’t want to look at Lester as a suspect, but he had to start somewhere and Lester was the highest on the list.
“I love my son, Duncan. You of all people should know that.” Lester stood and walked to the window, staring out at the full moon above. “I loved my brother as well. I will mourn his death until the day I die. Investigate anything you like about me. My life is an open book and I won’t stand in your way.” He turned to Duncan, genuine grief evident in his eyes. “I have nothing to hide.”
Duncan nodded and rose from the chair. “I need to head back to the vampire mansion. You going to be okay?”
Lester nodded. “I ordered extra security all around the perimeter and on both myself and William. You can put your own top people on me if it makes you feel better. The people you trust the most. Do whatever makes you comfortable. I understand your investigation is for the good of our people, Duncan. I don’t fault you for that.”
He saw the sincerity in Lester’s eyes and nodded, still not sure whether to believe him or not.
Duncan left and took the elevator to the basement parking garage, lifting his keys and punching the button to disarm the alarm on his SUV. He reached for the door handle when something sharp struck the back of his head. A sticky wetness rolled down his neck and his knees began to buckle.
Fuck! He’d been had. How stupid.
Then all he saw was blackness.
Harlee paced her room, hating being confined and watched like a caged animal.
“Are you sure the lycan side of you isn’t dominant?” Annmarie teased. “I think you’re about to growl at all of us.”
Harlee stuck her tongue out at her.
Annmarie laughed. “I’m sure you meant to point that weapon at Adrian, honey, not me.”
Annmarie fell back onto Harlee’s bed and stretched, the diamond jewel in her belly button like a multicolored prism under the overhead lights.
“This is boring,” Annmarie said.
“You could try knitting,” Adrian said, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
Sara snorted.
“Fuck off,” Annmarie replied with a bored yawn. “That’s more Sara’s pastime since she can’t get laid these days.”