Page 62 of Out of the Darkness
Harlee woke and stretched, realizing the sun streaming in through the windows of her bedroom was becoming a bit bothersome. Okay, so being a vampire meant her sun-worshiping days were over. She squinted and rolled out of the bed, shielding her eyes while she walked over to the window and shut the blinds.
“That’s better,” she mumbled, realizing that her leg was already healed. She looked down and saw a tiny pink spot where yesterday a big gaping hole stood. “This lycan and vampire thing is pretty darn cool.”
And she was talking to herself. That was new too.
“You’re talking to yourself. And I guess I should stop walking in on you while you’re naked. Too bad. I’ll miss that.
She whirled at the sound of Duncan’s voice and grinned. “Why? Is seeing me naked something you’re not used to by now?
His brow shot up and he looked her over from head to toe, advancing on her with a stealth-like grace she’d grown to admire.
“I could never grow tired of admiring a body like yours.” He stopped in front of her and laced his fingers around her waist, drawing her close and pressing a kiss to her lips that made her sigh. When he drew back, she saw a brief flicker of regret in his eyes. “But that gorgeous body doesn’t belong to me and it never did.”
Now it was her turn to arch a brow. “Really. And just who does my body belong to?”
“As if you didn’t know. Your dominant power is vampire, darlin’. And your love for Adrian is evident. I saw it the night we all joined. It was obvious.”
“I see.” Nothing like being told who she belonged to. She wasn’t sure if she liked that or not. She wasn’t somebody’s possession, and she didn’t like being ping-ponged between the two of them as if she didn’t get to choose.
Not that she hadn’t chosen. Or rather her heart had chosen. Whatever.
“Everything wrapped up?” she asked, deciding to ignore the subject of her heart.
“Yeah. Lester is a basket case. Apologizing to everyone for William’s part in all of this, horrified that his son killed Stefan and was involved in trying to kill Robert. He had no idea of the lengths to which William and Sara would go to control the lycan and vampire nations. Hell, none of us had any clue. Robert had no clue how delusional Sara had become. We all knew she had a bit of a screw loose, but not that much. And we knew William was ambitious, but not that he planned to pin all the assassinations on his own father.”
Harlee shook her head. “I’ve seen it before. The lengths people will go to for power. It’s a very heady lure.”
“Power makes people insane. Or at least corrupt. Me, I just like sex. And speaking of sex,” he said, wagging his eyebrows at her.
She laughed. “You have a one-track mind and I’m trying to change the subject, Duncan.”
“Harlee, you’re a beautiful, special woman. But you’re not my woman. And you do love Adrian. You can deny it all you want, but the love is there in your eyes.”
“That I do,” she admitted.
Should she admit her uncertainties? “I don’t know about Adrian.”
“You mean you don’t know how he feels about you.”
“Easy enough to find out. He’s on his way up here.”
Her eyes widened. “He is? Oh shit!” She scanned the room for her robe, spotting it on the chair and heading for it. Duncan grabbed her wrist.
“Uh-uh. You want to know how he feels about you? Let’s find out right now.”
“No, Duncan!”
She tried to jerk from his grasp, but he tipped her chin and wrapped her in a tight clinch, kissing her just as the door opened. Without looking, Harlee knew it was Adrian. The musky scent of him filled her from across the room, aphrodisiac to her senses.
Duncan lifted his lips from hers, his sea-blue eyes filled with teasing mirth.