Page 8 of Out of the Darkness
“So why didn’t Stefan take me in and raise me?” She realized that playing along with him gave her a distinct advantage, one she planned to use for as long as she could. Hope began to surface. These people really believed she was one of them!
He took her hand. She expected it to be cold as ice, but it was warm and comforting. “You have to understand that twenty-five years ago, the lycans and vampires were at each others’ throats, literally and figuratively. A child born of a union between a werewolf and vampire would have been nothing more than a bargaining chip, a prize coveted by both sides. If Stefan had announced Amelia’s death and your birth, the only result would have been anger, recriminations, chaos and either a tug-of-war to possess you or a fight to eliminate you. Stefan did what he thought was best for you. He hid you away, though it pained him greatly to do so. He loved you because you were his child and his only link to Amelia. I wanted you too, as the only part of my sister left. By the time he and I argued and nearly came to blows, we both realized the best thing to do to keep you safe was allow you to be raised by humans.”
Oh, man, this guy was either a great actor or this was the most fortuitous case of mistaken identity ever. Either way, she was going to play the cards she’d been dealt.
“Okay, so that I understand. You wanted me raised by humans and kept away from both the lycans and vampires. And I was. If what you say is true, if I needed some catalyst to change, then I might not have ever known. So why the middle of the night kidnapping? Why not just let me be?” She shot a glare at Adrian and Duncan, neither of whom had the decency to look one bit chastised. In fact, Adrian arched a brow and Duncan smirked.
“Stefan was murdered last night.”
The head of the lycans had been assassinated? Holy shit! She was dying to run to a phone and call her superiors. “Murdered? Why? By whom?”
“We don’t know why or by whom. Stefan contacted Duncan right before he died and instructed Duncan to come to me so I could retrieve you and keep you safe.”
A fine mist of doubt crept into her thought process. This story was way too out there to be false. This stuff actually happened! Oh, she didn’t believe the part where they claimed she was one of them, but obviously there was a huge problem in the vampire and lycan world. And that could be a very good thing.
“So you’re lycan,” she said, looking at Duncan.
Duncan nodded.
“And you’re?” she asked, looking at Adrian.
“Adrian is a vampire. And they will both protect you. With Stefan assassinated, we don’t know who they’re after next. We felt it necessary to retrieve you, not knowing if your secret was out as well. A risky move, but one we were willing to take.”
“If no one knew about me, how could they know where to find me?”
“If Stefan felt you were compromised, that means even without your physical whereabouts, chances were one of our kind would find you. The secret is out now and we don’t yet know what that means to either of our people,” Duncan explained.
“That’s true,” Robert said. “Duncan came to me as Stefan requested and told me what happened. I instructed him and Adrian to bring you here, where you could be guarded until we figure out who killed Stefan.”
She bent her head and rubbed her temples, a sharp headache forming. This was all too much to process. They thought she was a half-breed lycan and vampire, as far as they knew the first of her kind. As the niece of the vampire leader and the heir to the lycans, whoever this person was would wield considerable power.
As a government employee, she’d been given the required training. But it wasn’t nearly enough. She was in way over her head on this and didn’t have the background or the experience to play this game undercover.
But what other choice did she have? She was the closest human to ever get into the hidden vampire/lycan holdings. How could she not do her job to the best of her ability?
Fear and doubt mixed with a rush of adrenaline that had her limbs trembling. Forcing calm, she looked up at Robert, hoping he’d read the confusion on her face as shock at his revelation and nothing more.
“I know this is a lot to take in at one time,” Robert said.
“That’s an understatement,” she mumbled. “I still don’t believe any of this.”
“You will,” Robert said, standing. “As soon as you undergo the physical changes, it will all make sense.”
Her head shot up. “Physical changes? How will that happen?”
Robert shrugged. “Easiest and quickest way possible. You’re to have sex with Duncan and Adrian. Engaging in mating with a vampire and lycan of royal descent will enact the physiological changes necessary.”
Her gaze shot to Duncan and Adrian. Sex? With them? With both of them? Whoa. No way was that in her job description. Besides the fact she would be screwed when they found out she wasn’t who they thought she was, she’d also be…well…screwed.
Why did the thought of fucking a vampire and lycan not carry the obligatory revulsion it should? Heat shot to her pussy, moistening her. Her breasts ached and her nipples hardened. What the hell?
“Adrian, Duncan, see that the mating occurs quickly. Understandably, Harlee still has her doubts and it’s up to the two of you to help her see more clearly.”
They nodded and Robert headed toward the doorway. “Adrian and Duncan will answer any other questions you have. And I’ll be in touch very soon.”
Her eyes widened and she stood, hurrying after him and nearly tripping over the trail of the blanket. No fucking way was he going to leave her alone with those two. “Wait a minute! You’re leaving?”
“Yes. I have to do things at my end. I need to find out who killed Stefan. The balance of peace between the lycans and vampires depends on it, as does your life. It has taken us many years to achieve harmony between us. With the humans breathing down our necks and trying to force us out of hiding, it’s imperative that the lycans and vampires keep our agreement intact.”