Page 144 of The Prince's Bride: Beginning Forever
“Oh well, we’ll have a good laugh about it tomorrow,” I said, rising from my chair and grabbing my coat.
“Enter,” I said. And when the doors opened, in came the workaholic himself. I looked at Balduin. “See? He doesn’t know how to take a day off. Iskandar, have you seen this? Apparently…”
I stopped as I saw the resignation letter be put on top of my desk. I glanced at the envelope and then back to his stern face and then back at the letter.
“What is this?”
“My notice, sir,” he said.
“Are you in love with me like the paper said?” I asked him.
“No, sir,”
“Then why in the hell are you giving me your notice?” I snapped angrily. Lifting up the paper, I tore it in half and tossed it into the trash. “It is the press doing what the press does, Iskandar. It will blow over.”
“I’m sure, sir,” he replied before reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out another damn letter and putting it on my desk.
I stared at it and then him. “You had an extra one?”
“It’s been an honor to work for you, sir—”
“Iskandar!” I could not believe him right now. “Explain this to me. Why? Is it about the article? Is it something else? What is going on?”
“It is about the article, sir,” he said and placed his palace badge on my desk as well. “The rules of the guard are clear. Be a shadow. Never, ever be a distraction—”
“I told you, this is not a distraction!”
“It may not be to you, sir, but it will be for other people. This will not be the only article. Now that my name is in their mouths, they will dig.”
“Are you worried they will find something?”
“Nothing that I am ashamed of, sir. But it will be a distraction, and then it will be a joke.”
“What will be a joke?”
“My sexuality, my relationships, my job…then my connection to you. I must hold myself to the same standard I would hold anyone else to in the guard,” he replied.
“Iskandar, are you…” I stopped because I didn’t think that was appropriate for me to ask.
“I have worked for this family for over a decade, sir, and not once has anyone ever asked me what I am. Do you now see how this is a distraction?” he asked calmly.
I sat back down, picking up the letter again. All of a sudden, the world felt out of order, and I did not like it.
“Iskandar…” I didn’t know what to say.
“It has been an honor, sir. Truly. I will prepare my replacement. Mr. Balduin, you can say I have taken leave, and then after that, it can be said I retired.” He had already planned it all, it seemed.
He bowed his head to me, took a step back, and walked out the door just like that, and I was speechless still.
“I think Odette is right. We should sue The Morning Eagle for harassment at the very least!” I snapped, throwing the letter on the table.
“A king cannot be at war with the press,” he reminded me.
“They already declared war a long time ago. Each time they strike, we have to sit here quietly and accept their abuse. Each time they attack Odette, we force ourselves to look away. They know she is pregnant, and they do their very best to pick on her. Last week they were mad at her for holding her stomach! Now, this week it’s a new line of attack. Next week will be another one. I’ve had it with them!”