Page 26 of Beautiful Rose
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course.”
When I make no move, Zander gets up and stands behind me. Leaning forward, he fires up his laptop, and I inhale his earthy smell up close.
It’s intoxicating.
“It’s connected to the screen.” He turns his head in the direction of the projector.
Before straightening back, he gives me a smile. His face is so close to mine that I worry he can hear the wild thumping of my heart.
I login to the server with trembling fingers, and twice, I enter the wrong password. It’s a good thing Zander is back in his seat and can’t see my clumsy movements.
Taking heavy breaths, I try to compose myself while searching for the data.
When I have what I need, I pull my gaze away from the laptop to find Zander peering at me with a pleasant smile.
“Ready?” he asks.
“I don’t know what to say, Marr. When you said it was a side project, I didn’t expect this level of perfection and complexity. If it’s okay with you, I want this idea to be pitched to our sales and marketing team. That’s Zach’s department.”
Holy crab. Why didn’t I think of that? But he surprises me again.
“I’ll ask Kristy to prepare the presentation and arrange for a meeting with Zach’s team.” He’s already opened a blank email, ready to write Kristy.
“You don’t want me to present?” I blurt, putting my foot in my mouth.
Zander’s eyebrows shoot up, and this time, it’s his turn to hesitate. “I…thought you didn’t like giving presentations. Did I understand wrong?”
I shake my head in embarrassment. Why did I dig my own grave?
“Doesn’t it bother you that…” I don’t finish the sentence, because I don’t know what to include and what to skip. There’s a huge list of things that one can find annoying in me.
“Does it bother you that it took me three reads to fully understand your email?” he asks, and I’m startled by his strange question. “Didn’t Einstein say something about not judging a fish for its tree climbing abilities?”
Even through the tension, my lips curl into a smile.
“What?” he inquires with a bemused smile of his own.
“I never took you for a guy quoting Einstein.”
“I can be mysterious, couch girl.” He winks at me, and that tingling is back in my heart.
* * *
My phone vibrates, reminding me it’s time to go home.
I quickly check Kristy’s calendar online and see that she’s not in a meeting. Then why isn’t she here already?
I leave my office in hopes to find her with Oscar, but my steps come to a halt outside the office of the HR manager, Brenda.
“Do you think Zander Teager is gay?” Brenda asks someone.
“Nah, I think his brother meant it as a joke.”
I don’t recognize the other person’s voice.
“Uh-huh. But he’s not seen with many women. With those looks and that bod, girls should be falling head over heels for him. Do you think he’s single?”