Page 31 of Beautiful Rose
“Um, it’s a gunpowder gimlet,” Marr mumbles with a touch of embarrassment.
“Even your drink sounds like a superhero.” I raise an eyebrow, suppressing my smile.
Kristy snorts upon hearing my remark. “That’s so true.” She composes herself before asking, “What does an evening in St. Peppers look like?”
From the corner of my eye, I see Marr sliding forward in her chair, leaning in to listen.
“Mostly hanging out with my brothers.”
“You three are quite close,” Kristy remarks.
I nod. “Relationships are very important to me. Be it with my brothers or…friends.”
Marr leans back, hiding her huge grin behind that cocktail glass. But it slips upon hearing my next words.
“That’s why they’re continuously asking when I’m coming back.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were already planning to return.” Kristy looks between Marr and me.
Does she know there’s something—whatever that is—going on between us?
“My trip was originally meant to be two days. Nobody expected me to be out of St. Peppers for a week.”
“I hope we’ll see more of you, Zander.” Kristy smiles.
“You will certainly see much more of me. This town and its people are growing on me.”
Later in the night, I send Marr a text.
Me: I was serious when I said I’d be visiting more often.
Her response is immediate.
Couch girl: I’m glad to hear that.
Couch girl: I was surprised to hear about you leaving.
My hands tingle as I type a response. I press my lips tight, holding back the wide smile from making an appearance. My heart fucking bursts with joy knowing she isn’t unaffected by my return.
Me: I’m surprised at how much I don’t want to leave. Your cute town is growing on me. Some people more than others.
As usual, when her fingers type, I see the consequential three dots.
Couch girl: Some of those people would be happy to see you more often.
My phone buzzes on the table as I bite on the sandwich I have for lunch.
Zander: Did I tell you about Pippi?
Me: What’s a Pippi?
Zander: Pippi is the one keeping me awake at night.
I look at my phone. The crazy thing about texts is that you don’t know if they’re meant as a joke or said in earnest.