Page 129 of Second True Love
Her physical attraction to me fixes the earlier doubts of our age difference in my mind. We are perfect for each other. Clementine’s gaze shifts from me to my bare chest, and I love knowing that she likes my body.
“Are you planning to take advantage of me?” I lie back on the bed, taking her with me.
“No advantage. This gives me a free pass.” Hovering above me, she waves her hand, the ring sitting pretty on her finger.
“Ah, I see.” I play with her hair falling over my face. “So, what are you planning to do, now that you have a free pass, Miss Hawthorne?”
“Not for long,” she whispers. “Soon, I’ll be Mrs. Adams.”
My hands caressing her arms still, and my heartbeat plummets. She notices the panic surfacing on my face and her hand softly grazes my cheek.
“I’m not taking her place, Keith. I’m just...picking up from where she left off.”
I close my eyes and repeat her words in my head. The action causes my heartbeat to slowly return to normal.
“I don’t want to replace any memory of her. I just want us to make our own new ones.” Her lips linger above mine, just a breath away.
“I’m eagerly waiting to see how life unfolds with you,” I whisper, my eyes shut tight. I’m still getting accustomed to this foreign sentiment of hope for the future.
“I’m guessing it’s going to be filled with lots of lattes in the mornings and lots of sex at night. Above all, too much love and too much happiness.” She presses a gentle kiss on my lips.
“That’s all I am counting on, angel,” I whisper before capturing her lips in mine.
* * *
“Tell me why you never cooked before.” Mere places her schoolbag on the table before flopping on a chair.
I place a hot waffle on her plate next to the fried eggs.
Every morning for the last week, when I started making breakfast, she has asked me this question and I have the same reply, “I don’t know.”
“This is de-li-c-ious,” she squeals as I place a dollop of whipped cream and two strawberries on top of her waffle.
I pour myself another coffee and bring my breakfast plate to the table. “Do you have a few minutes? I want to talk to you about something.”
It’s only us this morning. Clementine left early for work, giving me a chance to get Mere alone. Otherwise, they’re inseparable, glued to each other all day.
Merida looks at her wristwatch. “Sure, Dad, what’s up?” My hands shake around the coffee mug at the sight of Melanie’s watch back on her wrist.
“Dad?” Mere says my name, pulling my attention to her face. “You wanted to talk about something.”
I nod after taking a sip of my coffee, trying to clear the knot of emotion around my throat. Before I make a big deal of her actions, I ask, “How do you like living here?” I wave my fork around.
“I love it. I can pop into your office whenever I want. Uncle Tiki sends me a strawberry slush every day during lunch.”
I had no idea about her arrangement with Tiki. But Mere’s instant excitement boosts my confidence that I’m thinking in the right direction.
“How about living here in a more permanent way?”
She stops chewing. “Um, you mean not going back to our house…at all?”
I nod, trying to get a feel of her, but she just looks surprised.
“I thought you liked that house.” Mere runs her hand over her hair, along with the kitty barrette Clem bought for both of them last week.
“I did. I still do. But…it has too many memories of your mom.” My stomach churns with worry that I’m asking too much from my teen daughter. She has endured so many changes already in the past few months. “I want to start someplace fresh, but only if it’s okay with you.”
“Did you talk to Clem?” Mere’s face remains inscrutable.