Page 27 of Saving Vienna
Something heavy clogs in my throat as images float before my eyes, and I hear her sobs.
What the fuck have I done?
“I’m s-so sorry, Vienna.” I rub my hands over my face. I can’t fucking believe I hurt her. “All night, I was making a list of th-things we need to do. But I also d-don’t want you to regr-ret the moment when you’re dressed in w-white and I’m placing a r-ring on your finger.”
“Now you’re being intentionally brutal. You’re casting a dream and robbing me of it in the same instance. If I die, I’ll at least die happy and married.”
“You’r-re not going to d-die.” I try to keep my voice light, but internally, I make a vow to not let anything happen to her. Vienna has too much light, and this world needs people like her. “So, sh-shall we apply for a marriage lic-cense?”
A strange feeling pinches my chest when I hear her soft yes.
“I’ll pick you up d-during your lunch br-reak from the café.”
I run my hand back and forth over my jaw. The guilt of keeping my brothers in the dark hits me, but when I hear Vienna’s deep breath from the other side, I remember why I’m doing all this.
We stay on the line, a silence stretching until she says, “See you later, husband.”
The call ends, but the phone stays pressed to my ear for a few more seconds, wanting to hear those four words again.
Finally, I bring my phone down and make a list of all the people I need to call. I start with my sister-in-law.
“Hi, Zane. How are you?” Rose greets me, and unlike in my house where there’s a stillness in the air, there’s a background noise of something sizzling on the stove from her side.
Zander must be making breakfast for her and Alex.
“I’m good. Can you s-step out of the kitchen for a s-sec?”
She’s quiet for a beat, but then a few moments later, the background noises reduce significantly.
“All okay?”
I thump my head at the nervousness in her voice. Rose always fears the worst of everything.
“All’s fine. I jus-st want to ask if I can br-ring someone to your d-dinner tonight.”
I feel the anxiety losing its grip in her voice, and she asks with a touch of warmth, “Is she your secret friend from the carnival?”
Suddenly, I’m thankful they saw me and Vienna together that evening. The news of our engagement won’t come as a total surprise to my family.
I hum a yes, and Rose says in an excited voice, “Of course you can bring her.” She pauses for a second before saying, “I’m very happy for you, Zane.”
“Th-thank you. Can you not t-tell Zander now? I’d like to…”
She giggles from the other side. “I won’t. But I must tell you—he might blow his top.”
Rose ends the call, leaving me more uneasy than before.
I calm my breathing and cross off telling my family about Vienna from my mental list. On to the next task.
I dial Lukas.
His phone rings multiple times, and when I think it’s about to go to voicemail, he picks up.
“Hi, buddy. What’s up?” His voice comes out breathy, as if he was running.
“You are too bus-sy these days. Is th-there a serious case?”
Lukas is a co-owner of an elite security company, Kings Security, in St. Peppers. They’re often involved in high-profile cases and even occasionally provide assistance to the local PD.