Page 67 of Saving Vienna
“Of course.” Zane clears his throat, and there’s a moment’s pause. I imagine him grabbing his mint tin and picking one of the many lozenges from the box. “I wanted t-to give it you in th-the evening, but I couldn’t wait. I th-thought you might have something inter-resting during the day to capture.”
“Then why didn’t you bring it yourself and send Rick instead?”
There’s a moment’s pause, and the silence that stretches is due to no other reason than maybe…hesitation. “I d-don’t want to be in your face all th-the time, Vienna.”
“But I like you in my face.” I tighten my hold on the phone as I hear his deep exhale. “I mean, I like when you’re around.”
“Th-then starting tomorrow, I’ll be there to pick up my t-team’s coffee order.”
“Zane, you don’t have to do that.” Though I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing him in the middle of the day.
I can almost hear his smile through the phone, and just the feel of it makes my heart race. “I’ll s-see you in the evening. T-take some pict-tures for me.”
* * *
I wave to Ivy as her car leaves the street, and at the same time, my phone chimes, alerting me of an incoming text.
Zane: I’m running late. Someone dropped in for a discussion at the last minute. Can you come to my office?
I should definitely start bringing my car, but Zane is insistent on us driving to work together, arguing that we work so close.
With a camera bag in one hand and a take-out bag in the other with two coffees and sandwiches for our evening snack, I march toward my husband’s office.
When I step inside Elixir Inc., the receptionist rushes to open the door and even offers to help me with the bags. I shake my head with a smile before getting on the elevator. During my brief ride, I check that my makeup is still in place and my hair isn’t going in all directions after a long day.
When the door opens, Rick’s waiting for me with a huge grin. As before, he’s dressed in a suit—blue tweed with a matching waistcoat. “I heard someone special was on their way.”
“Could you be any more corny?” I smirk. In only two days, I’ve gotten used to Rick’s carefree attitude.
He shakes his head and grins before leading me to Zane’s office. I’m surprised to find it empty. “Where’s Zane?”
“Boss is in the conference room. He’ll be here soon. Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee…”
I shake my head. “I’m good.”
After Rick closes the door, I look around Zane’s office. Like his bedroom, the decor is mostly dark and woody. I flop onto the leather chair next to the electric fireplace after adjusting the two bags on the coffee table.
Next to them, I find a thick unopened envelope holding what looks like a medical journal inside. For a businessman, Zane does read a lot of books.
I pick it up and notice the name of the recipient.
Dr. Z. Teager.
I’ve just grabbed the book when the door is pulled open. Zane walks in, dressed in a charcoal-gray suit, a sky-blue shirt, and a navy-blue tie.
God, he’s hot!
He throws me a smile before placing his laptop onto the table, then perches on the chair opposite me, not saying a word. Instead, he grabs a water bottle from the table.
My gaze follows his every move. I feel like I’m watching one of the soda commercials where a hot guy gulps the liquid in slow motion. Even when Zane’s fully dressed with the top button of his shirt tightly closed, my brain has no trouble imagining him dressed in just track pants like last night, his bare chest, washboard abs, and lick-worthy muscles on display.
“You got us c-coffee?” He finally places the half-empty bottle onto the table and opens the bag from the café. He’s about to sip the cold latte when I jump out of my seat and stop him.
“It’s cold. You don’t need to drink it. I didn’t realize you were in a meeting.” I place it back on the table.
“B-but you made it for us.” Zane’s eyebrows flutter, stealing a piece of my heart.
This man couldn’t get any sweeter.