Page 78 of Saving Vienna
After a moment of surprise, he returns my hug and then pats Zane’s back before taking him into a manly side hug. “As you guys haven’t decided a return date, I’m hoping it’ll be before Christmas. I’d like the whole family to be together for the holidays.”
Zane nods, while my brain goes into a mix of anticipation and fear. I’d love to celebrate Christmas with the Teagers, but will I get the chance?
Zander and Zane settle Mystery and Tassels into the car after I’ve given them all my love. Once Zander leaves, the driver of the limo, parked for the last thirty minutes in the parking area, comes forward and grabs our luggage.
In no time, we’re driving to the St. Peppers airport, where Zach and Hope have come to see us off. Hope hands me a bag, failing to hold back her grin before we’re rushed to the private terminal.
Everything feels surreal as Zane leads me up to the jet. I clasp his hand tight as wind blows my hair in all directions. A flight attendant, along with the pilot and copilot, greet us at the door, introducing themselves and congratulating us on the wedding.
I feel like I’m in a movie or something, and this can’t be effing true.
God, please if this is dream, at least let it complete.
Zane and I perch next to each other on the comfy leather seats. My tight grip on his hand doesn’t soften as I take in my black-and-white glossy-finish surroundings.
“Sir, I’ve a note from your brother.” The air hostess places two champagne flutes on the wooden table before handing a white folded note to Zane.
After she leaves, Zane opens the paper.
“There’s an private bedroom on the plane. Make sure you’re a proud member of the Mile High Club before you return home, lil bro.”
- From your amazing elder brother, Zach.
“Holy shit! Zach’s something,” I mumble. “But is it…true?” My mouth dries at the thought.
“Zach and Hope use th-this plane often. I’ve full faith th-there’s a bed hidden s-somewhere.”
“How do I look?”
I pull my gaze away from the window overlooking the beautiful inner city and glance at my wife. She’s dressed in a black skater skirt and thigh-high boots, her fishnet stockings giving a tiny peek. There’s a shawl curled around her neck, and a Nikon camera hangs from her shoulder.
“Br-reathtaking as always,” I whisper, getting up from the chair and striding toward her.
She flattens her hands over my jacket before curling them around my neck. “It’s you who steals my breath, husband.”
My heart pounds when her violet eyes gleam as she leans forward before placing a kiss on my lips.
It’s our second day in Vienna, and since we boarded the private jet, we’ve shared several kisses, hugs, and touches. Sometimes soft and sometimes like a prelude to something more powerful. But somehow, we never get a chance to go beyond.
Yesterday evening was Vienna’s first transfusion. The procedure went smoothly, but it was also a reminder of the reality. We both returned to the hotel in a somber mood that stayed with us as we stuck to our sides of the bed the whole night. I’d no intention of dragging this heaviness through another day and was happy when Vienna proposed we go sightseeing.
My grip on her waist tightens, and I place my lips on hers, stealing a proper kiss, something I learned only from her.
She slowly creeps her hands down from my shoulders to my chest, and her lips part, allowing me the access I’m craving.
Our bodies mesh with each other perfectly.
Her eyes flutter closed, followed by mine. I commit everything about her into my memory. Her curves under my hands as they travel up and graze the soft fabric of her silk blouse.
I skim the underside of her breasts, and her breathing changes to heavy staccatos.
My hands shake just a little as they travel up, and Vienna shifts. Breaking the kiss, she throws her head back, and her body presses against mine.
“Zane.” A pained cry shoots through her lips as she rubs herself against my erection.