Page 10 of Alone With You
He was overprotective, only his approach was similar to a sergeant in the army. Even I could see that Harlow felt like a prisoner at times. He was drowning in his need to overcompensate for the loss of both their parents, his love provided a stormy sea that Harlow wanted to be rescued from. Maybe if she had divulged that information to us sooner, it would have lessened the turmoil and answered some of the lingering questions that he currently struggled with, too.
I blinked a couple of times as I thought my eyes had deceived me. Gone was the awkward young girl I had once known, and currently edging her way closer with a determined set to her shoulders, walked a perfectly formed, grown woman. I had to do a double take when she came closer. Her eyes were red and puffy, but it took nothing away from her beauty.
How had I never noticed it before?
The difference rendered me speechless. Two years had changed her, certainly in appearance, and hopefully, mentally, too. Finally finding my voice, my heart beated erratically in my chest, I whispered, “Johnny, I think she’s here.”
“Really?” he asked, his eyes wide and scared.
It was as if time moved in slow motion... we burst into action almost falling over our feet, fighting to make our way to the door as quickly as we could.
Without giving her the chance to even knock, Johnny grabbed the door handle, causing me to take a step backwards. This close to her, I had the chance to see that she had indeed been crying. Her back was ramrod straight, a fierce look of determination written on her face. She reminded me so much of her brother in that moment. I decided it was safe to leave them alone, they needed this time together.
“Harlow…” Johnny said softly, pulling her into his chest for a hug. An action I knew he’d missed each and every day since she had left. It was an emotional embrace, so I quickly walked away and allowed them the space that they both needed, whether they would have admitted it or not.
I heard the mumbled words of‘you're home’as Johnny held Harlow tightly to his chest. It was as if he couldn’t believe she was really in front of him, as I left them alone and went into the house. My heart was still galloping, unable to slow down and return to a more steadied beat. I struggled to comprehend what I’d just seen; that the woman stood in Johnny’s arms just a few steps away, really was the Harlow I knew.
Johnny had openedthe door before I even knocked engulfing me in his arms. The vision I must’ve looked like, with my eyes burning raw and sore from my conversation with the stars, when I noticed Elijah behind his shoulder, disappearing into the room. The sense of him not wanting to intrude at this moment between us apparent. I felt a little tug of gratitude for his understanding.
After what seemed like forever, we hadn’t let go of each other and were still wrapped in each other’s arms on the doorstep.
“Are you going to let me in?” I chuckled. He couldn’t seem to stop staring at me.
It was as if he was scared if he’d blinked, I’d disappear.
“Of course,” he mumbled back.
He seemed embarrassed by his easy display of happiness and relief as he switched gears back into his natural protector mode. He gathered all of my possessions, not allowing me to take them in by myself. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Nothing much had changed with my brother. Still the control freak.
The frustration started to creep into my thoughts, souring my surprising happiness at returning home. The old ways had already appeared, after moments in each other’s company. I was exhausted, so I dropped it for now. It wasn’t the time to get into petty squabbles, I just wanted to rest. Deep down, I knew it was probably an overreaction and just an act of pure kindness and nothing more. Johnny knew by now I’d done a lot of growing up whilst away and I didn’t want the process to halt the moment I came home. I needed to carry on, even if I had a long, tough road ahead.
I gazed around at the décor and my heart sighed in relief. Johnny had modernised the inside but kept the essence of both mum and dad alive. Photo collages scattered the walls; he must’ve found them hidden in the depths of their photo albums, as many consisted of the five of us. With the pale blue tones highlighted by the lights, I was excited to see the difference in the daylight. See the way in which the sunlight bounced through, hopefully giving that tranquil look I craved matching my improved mindset. Tiredness was hitting but I made my way into the living area to say hello but goodnight to Elijah in one fell swoop.
Johnny’s scowling face was a picture that I wished I had captured at that moment, when Elijah came over and offered me an option of a glass of red wine in one hand, or a scotch on the rocks in the other.
The tumbler was calling me as I reached forwards and our fingers grazed one another. A jolt of electricity shot up my arm as I swallowed the gasp that was dying to leave my lips. Thankfully neither Johnny nor Elijah noticed anything, so I must have hidden my reaction well.
“What are you doing offering her alcohol, dick?” Johnny asked scowling as his jaw ticked to the time of the clock.
Elijah shrugged back with a challenge in his eyes, it made you forget who was the one who was actually blood related sometimes.
“She’s twenty, two years have passed, and I’m sure she has already had quite a few drinks by now. Don’t be a dick, Johnny. After tonight, it feels we all could do with one,” Elijah replied cocking his head to the side and taking a step towards us both.
I took neither drink, heading straight for the trophy cabinet of beers I’d noticed when I walked in.
“Sheis in the room, just so you know. Now, which one of these would you suggest?” I asked inquisitively.
I made my presence very much felt between the two guys as I stared at them with my hands on my hips. I awaited an answer, hoping I was giving them a confident, and controlled,I’m not backing down,vibe. Determined to prove that no matter how small the battle they wanted to throw at me, I could handle myself.
Elijah grabbed a couple of bottles of beers from the different shelves, I assumed of his taste and rammed them into Johnny’s chest.
“Your babies, maybe you should pick?”
Stunned and confused, after the ordeal tonight so far, but did Elijah mean what I thought? Johnny’s cold stare and scowl portrayed a magnitude of words. Elijah looked just as confused as I felt.