Page 18 of Alone With You
My confidence screamed wildly as I entered my bedroom, I heard Elijah was about to leave and I quickly took my garments off and placed my hand on the curve of my waist. Jealousy soared through me when I heard Gemma talking to him, she oozed confidence, always had, but I hated the fact that she dared make a move whilst I was stood there. I had one chance and my inhibitions must have been heightened by the alcohol as I seductively spoke, grabbing his attention.
“Here you go you can take them with you.”
I swayed back into the edge of the door and shut it on his shocked face, before I looked down at my body covered just in my black lace bra and thong and smirked.
“Night, Elijah.”
I curledmy fists across the front of my eyes and rubbed them in circles, and I wondered what state I was in.
Was I drunk?
Nope, I couldn’t be, I walked down the stairs, waved my hand in front of my face, and counted the fingers clearly in front of me to double check. Three bottles of beer, that’s all I had, and I hadn’t even finished the remains of the last one. I recollected as Johnny nabbed it as he thought it was his when he came out of the bathroom at mine.
In my heart, I couldn’t have blamed it my mind concocting images, but I bet she blamed me for the drunken state she was in for flirting with me. Never in a million years had I imagined that show, but I would have given my right arm for her to have been sober and re-created it for me. Tomorrow though, I knew that she would have hidden this memory away and acted as though nothing had happened. Or worse, still not even remembered that she had come on to me. My cock strained at the wank bank images for later, knowing I was in for a pleasurable evening ahead. It was just a pity that my hands weren’t over her soft, warm, delicate flesh.
I was so fucking glad I had gotten her away from those guys before she had made a spectacle of herself. Harlow seemed the type of girl to be sensible and not just pick random strangers up, but when alcohol came into the mix, it affected us all in very different ways. This Harlow hadn’t seemed in control of her actions like normal, but she was a confident fucking minx.
Johnny stormed into the house; I knew he wouldn’t be far behind.
“Shh, she’s asleep. I’ve just put the washing on.”
He cocked his brow up to the fact that I was naked from the chest up as he closed the door quietly making sure to not wake her up. Even though I could guess she’d be long out for the count by now. Not one to have missed the beat in his questioning stared look, I replied.
“Harlow decided that sickness was the next best step, she left all of her things outside the bedroom door before crashing. I thought I had better throw them in the wash before the smell permeated the house. You got a top I can borrow, mate?”
It took a few moments for my reasoning to be accepted before he swallowed and replied.
“Thanks dude, you’re good to us both but remember who she is,” he said as an uneasy laugh escaped my throat.
I knew a subtle warning had been given about avoiding Harlow before he went and searched for something for me to wear. I should have taken heed of the warning but why were my thoughts plagued with the forbidden? I should have been torn more but I desired the one woman I really shouldn’t have. With my muscular form, most of Johnny’s clothes wouldn’t have worked but I’m sure he would find something that fit. Just as he left the room.
“I’m thinking of cancelling the trip and taking the financial hit, Ria will understand,” he said as his sullen face dropped.
I saw the cogs in his mind turning, as he returned with a vest and shirt, as he stated that I may have to leave the shirt open, but at least it would have covered my arms for now. Harlow had unsettled him; he was going to do one thing and then the complete opposite. Naturally, he’s worried what messed up the situation he would come back to, especially after tonight. I understood completely, but he couldn’t always be here. He needed to go, live his life. It didn’t help I had a feeling this thing with Ria may be more than he had wanted to let on.
Harlow had only been here a few days, and she had made such a huge impression. Maybe she just needed to find her footing? She was twenty and was allowed to have a life. I didn’t know where this mellowness had suddenly appeared from. The temptation to reign her in, to protect her, I knew the fireworks that would have commenced if he didn’t go would be explosive. I knew deep down in his heart, that he was torn and hadn’t wanted to leave her like this, but I knew how hard he had worked to get to this position. The words began tumbling from my mouth before I could have coherently processed the thoughts that had floated through my mind. Johnny’s focus was divided, and the pain was written on his face whilst he sat there, and he stared into thin air.
“What if you go to Belgium still, but I move in here with Harlow?”
The lightbulb flicked on in his brain as if it had caused a spark to ignite in his head and across his face making his contained smile break out.
“You would? Like just watch her?”He nodded in reply.
“I would carry on the distillery financial work from here and my other clients remotely. Whilst I make sure that a certain someone was exactly where she was supposed to be in the evenings.”
The gratitude was evident in Johnny’s voice as he replied.
“Thanks man, I appreciate this, shouldn’t be more than a few weeks.”
The weight seemed to lift from his shoulders. I threw on the vest which made my pecs visible. I now understood why I needed to throw on the shirt too as I bid Johnny a good night and headed back to my place. Finally, it clicked in place; what I had just suggested and agreed to do. Fuck, two weeks with my best friends’ little sister, a very hot sister as a matter of fact. The forbidden fruit that I’d been warned off from but made the desired need even greater. Now I’ve lived around here, I’d have guaranteed that she still saw me as her enemy, even after tonight’s escapade. I hoped that maybe it had begun to wane, and her walls would slowly start crumbling down as I penetrated through the small gap I had created.