Page 24 of Alone With You
I loved my beer and pizza nights with Johnny don’t get me wrong, I mean what guy didn’t love binge nights? I paid for it though with a gruesome training schedule, it was payback whenever I indulged.
In the cupboards, I wasn’t surprised to find not the healthiest of breakfast options but at the present I had no other option. Protein was a must add to my needed supplement selection to have helped with my recovery. So, bacon and egg sandwiches called me. It didn’t stop me adding to my memo list ensuring an online fresh delivery would be pulling up later in the day though.
It wasn’t intentional at first, but I made Harlow breakfast. It just felt the right thing to do, just little steps aiming to attempt improving the truce between us. Music just seemed to lighten the quietness of the house first thing. It might be too much to have stopped my thoughts trailing away to her. A different focus, even though something would tend to have linked to her, no matter what I tried. The moment she eased down the stairs; I felt her energy as if it circulated through every vein in my body, even though she hadn’t made a sound. A connection deeper than I had experienced with anyone else and that thought terrified me.
The minute I turned around, it felt as if all my Christmas’s had come at once. The obvious effort she had put into the way she looked this morning made me smile, even though I couldn’t have cared what she had worn. She was beautiful no matter what the situation. I knew how hidden Harlow tried to be, but she was deeply perceptive whether she knew I could’ve read that side to her or not. Her intensity of desire was written across her face and my heart screamed at me, how I had written off the way she had acted to her influenced induced state, previously. Now I knew it had been an element of truth.
Friendship had skipped past us both and flown out of the window, just by the way her eyes had assessed every part of me. Her body was fighting the temptation as much as mine, but I questioned how long the attraction remained until either of us reacted. I knew her concerned thoughts were present, but the risks seemed worth exploring in my eyes.
The reality was I needed to make subtle moves in front of her, so she saw that this feeling she was experiencing was reciprocated and not just one-sided. If I reached out and told her myself, it would have allowed her the chance to have rebuilt her defences and obstructed the chance of igniting something between us. Harlow needed to be the one to reach out, so I slowly devised a plan. Johnny had taken a brave decision earlier and called her to let her know he had arrived; I was honest and told her he knew her feelings on the matter with me staying here. His nervous voice had me close to laughter; she was priceless at the game she had put in action by putting him on the loudspeaker. I knew Johnny was shitting himself, but Harlow decided to be all sweet and innocent. He was speechless and it had made both our days, but it was time for payback. His supply of favourite chocolates was now missing, very much to Harlow’s delight. The moment the call ended, the giggles halted, being contained as it allowed us to have enjoyed the moment between us.
Today’s movements were seamless, we just flowed together as one. I couldn’t help glancing up at her. I hoped she hadn’t caught me looking with those quick glances, or the way I had to keep rearranging my cock in my jeans as it rubbed awkwardly against the taut material, driving me mad. When the food delivery arrived, she was in the kitchen. I couldn’t resist taunting her. I skimmed past her body and reached around her hips, gaining myself access to the cupboards behind her to begin unpacking. Realising the effect I had on her, taking in the evident hitch in her breath. I’d seen the struggled fight as she tried steadying herself and I dared to continue our danced war in the kitchen.
Sparks bounced and the energy continued to fire between us, and the tension became thick. With every ounce of strength, I stepped back and allowed her to remove herself from the situation, knowing the option was there if she felt she needed it. My instinct was right, as she made her way over to the base of the stairs, attempting to not show the edge of disappointment appearing on her face. Was she disappointed? As I gazed at her, she managed to make my ears prick up.
“Elijah, have you any plans tomorrow?” she asked without hesitation. I couldn’t have stopped the drum base beating heavy within.
“Nothing that can’t wait, why do you ask, Harlow?” I countered, cocking my eyebrow desperate for her response. In some ways desperate to have seen what the feisty woman unleashed.
“I’m making lunch.”
Harlow had just made a decision in which had set my blood pumping twice as fast. One that had hit me like a bulldozer. The leg workout came to my mind as maybe I could have pushed myself at twice the level of intensity it needed to be. Anything to burn some of this pent-up energy off which a certain woman had created and certainly trapped under my skin. I just didn’t think anything I did would have helped us until we had talked. Tonight was going to have dragged, waiting for what felt like an eternity, at least until I knew more about the thoughts in Harlow’s head. What they involved was the huge mystery that kept me intrigued and on my toes.
What was I playing at?A friendship that was all I had to offer but instead my mouth ran away with itself, and a moment of madness sprung to mind. I thought that was all but at that moment, the base had flown by and shot to another level. My body hummed with want and need now, as the uncertainty that laid between us had been addressed. It had done nothing for how my body screamed for his touch. He was playing with fire and the crazy thing was, he wasn’t scared of being burnt. He wanted me, every single part, plain as day in his eyes, but I didn’t know what to do and that scared me.
We had flirted, maybe unintentionally at first, but then a tightrope overtook both our bodies and all control strung tightly between us. The need to unwind and to have shared laughter throughout the day, had come effortlessly. I couldn’t lose sight of the fact that our connection stemmed originally from Johnny. This laid heavy in my mind, but I didn’t know where Elijah stood on this. I didn’t want barriers if I could’ve helped it, but then my feelings drove me wild. Without thinking I asked him to lunch, I just needed a way in which we could’ve spent time together and broached this tension between us. Hopefully, it allowed Elijah to lead more, as I felt more reserved. I hoped using the excuse of food though was a winner and it would make it easier, maybe allowing us both to have opened up a little more.
I needed to escape before my mouth started to run away with itself, planning how tomorrow would go. Food and cooking relaxed me, it had always been a favourite past-time and I’d enjoyed it when I was younger with my mother. The concentration required seemed to allow my mind to drift off, focusing on what was important, rather than the unnecessities. I hoped it may bring the clarity I needed regarding Elijah.
Heading up the stairs, the ached sensation between my apex was driving me crazy. I needed to find a release, but knowing he was in the house, I wasn’t sure if I could relax enough to have completed the deed. The frustration grew wild, as I began fighting the building sensations causing me to fidget. I knew when enough was enough. A plan started to formulate, and I turned my music on just high enough to not have warranted any unwanted attention. Double checking the hall was cleared, I made sure the door was closed completely before I climbed on to the bed and reached for the covers and threw them back in a pile at the bottom. Easy access should I have needed to have grabbed them, I thought. With the turned down glow of the bedside lights, I reached into the bedside cabinet to find my trusted friend.
The plastic vibrator would have to do the job, as my mind constructed together images of Elijah. About how I would feel with my hand wrapped around his length. The outline of himself showed his girth as the more I tried to shy away it only made it more prominent to my visual appeal. I knew what was behind that fabric that would have made my body delighted with pleasure. Pushing my trousers down my body, I lifted my hips in an aim to have helped the process. I moved the pink, moulded object to my heated, hot lips and guided it along the edges to test the waters. The minute contact was made, my over sensitive nerves heightened with the euphoric want my body craved. My mind focused on Elijah and him alone, as I pressed the first button near the base, as if my hand were trained to the process that it needed to do. Sliding it in between my folds, I made sure I was ready, my other hand began to circle my bud, as I slid the vibrator to full hilt.
My back arched against the mattress as I threw my head backwards chasing the travelling heat coursing further up my body. The need to scream for his hands, mouth, and cock drove me crazy, but I knew I had to settle for what was available as I pressed the next level of stimulation. The impulses increased as my hips become more erratic, thrusting faster and quicker. My hand started to wander, and I explored my nipples, pinching them hard. My fingers trailed further down my body, doing anything to have helped with the added stimulation my body screamed for. The closeness of my orgasm apparent with the need to be quiet long gone, as the only thing I craved was to let every ounce of escaped emotion out. With frantic movements, I increased the vibrator one more level and the stars burst before my eyes. A wave of emotion took hold as I convulsed and rode the sensations that had consumed through every part of me. I moaned the name I couldn’t hold back any longer.
Calming my ragged breathing, I listened for any noise, a pin drop, even. I turned my radio off, and I tried to hear any movements nearby. I hoped my moaned noises hadn’t been too noticeable but if he had come upstairs to his room, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had heard me. I wasn’t exactly able to remain quiet when I needed to be when the moment took over. It wasn’t as if I should be ashamed though. I just would’ve rather had a conversation between the two of us first about these feelings, rather than him already have known my full thoughts.Damn body taking charge over logic.
The temptation was toohigh this evening, all day I had felt secure and happy alongside Harlow. It felt the most natural time in the world to be together. I couldn’t just have left it alone. I needed to keep pushing away at those boundaries that had been created.
Those touched movements from my dancing alongside her had tantalised and driven her wild in the kitchen. Just the slight touch of her skin seemed to have been the straw to have broken her. The sense of being overwhelmed screamed danger, like flashing neon lights to me. Harlow needed that sense of her own space back and a visual sense of seeing it. So, I did what I could, I gave her the option and stepped back. Her confused look showed me she couldn’t understand why her body had acted the way it had, but the shock of the evening was the invite of lunch. A more commanded statement… she took charge of the situation and it showed promise. I just wouldn’t dare read into it in case it wasn’t what I expected. Any time spent together was a bonus, a chance to show her how I truly felt.
Knowing a meal together was on the cards, I gave her five minutes. Whilst I made sure downstairs was secured, remembering to leave the lights on this time, I made my way up the stairs just as the sound of radio echoing from Harlow’s room came to life. The reps ahead would have hopefully tired my body enough to sleep, but I was unsure if I could have managed to with the noise that was coming from her room. I knew I would have dealt with anything though for her, as I smiled as I walked on past.
The moment I went and opened my door, my head jolted in shock. An instinctive noise came from Harlow’s room and goosebumps trailed along my skin. I listened intently; I knew that may have sounded absurd, but I was certain she was frustrated. Sexually frustrated. Visions of her with her hands splayed over her mound as she rubbed and teased herself jumped into my mind. A finger slowly being pumped in and out had me wanting to go in there and claim her, but that wasn’t me.
She was precious and her entangled thoughts were unravelling slowly. The fact that I was being part of that process was enlightening. Even though my twitching cock demanded I fucking dealt with him, instead of my brainwaves, I knew I should’ve walked away, go into the room, and bloody dealt with the raging dick issue. I was fucked. I didn’t need to have heard that sweet sound and hopeful noise of her orgasm taking hold. What I hadn’t expected was my name screamed; it permeated the air as I rushed in the room shutting the door behind me. I dragged in the huge breath I had held and jacked myself off as fast as I could, wanting to hit that euphoric need too.
I was unable to hold any longer as the guttural noise hit the back of my throat, and my balls tightened whilst my hand that was placed on the solid door frame kept me steady. The familiar tingle travelled up my spine, as my thick load shot in a hot, sticky mess all over the door frame. Fuck. Harlow’s name came from my mouth as it hit the tensed air. The aura surrounding me was calm and perfect as I realised tomorrow was a new day altogether. A day where things could change.